GOOOOOOD MORNING Cradle of Civilization Crusaders! This is your wake-up call from your #1 Babylon Babe of the Euphrates and Tigress of the Tigris, RAMADAN ROSIE!
Due to my new freedom and my love for your American troops I will pop in here when I can, but please don’t waterboard me again if I am not here every Friday as I had promised when I was still under the Allah the moon gods laws. Just know Ramadan Rosie is thinking of you.
So the presidential election is only 11 months away? Our mission still continues to destroy islamofascism and slam it’s democratic sympathizers daily, despite Defeatocrat Senaturd Harry Reid’s claims that “We have already lost this war….” How about these bumper stickers and tee shirts:
* Our troops are over there so they won’t cut your head off over here!
* Land of the free because of the brave!
* U.N. American? United Nothings!
* After Iraq, let’s get SYRIAous!
* Iran Kryptonite: Shaving Cream & Pork Chops!
* Democrats make an ASS of AMERICA since 1968!
* Liberalism is a no brainer!
* If guns kill people, then spoons make Ted Kennedy fat!
www.ThoseShirts.com and www.RightWingStuff.com
If I offended the politically correct kooks… that’s tough shiite on a shingle! And no your Ramadan Rosie is not owner of these sites. So you terroriosts lovers don’t think I am pushing anything but Love for our troops and how awesome your America is. Got that camel breath.
I’m praying to God for a Hillary & Obama 2008 ticket and their bumper sticker:
HIPS ‘N Q-TIPS 2008!
Gotta go now and shave my legs. Since I ditched the burka, I feel like a born again lamb chop without the wool. That was BAAAAAA D ! Continue to be MERRY and celebrate your wonderful
‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ too. Happy New Year 2008 and our freedom isn’t free. Thank-You all for your patriotism, heroism, selflessness, sacrifices and compassion….
Your Tigress of the Tigris – Ramadan Rosie !
Brought to you by Darth and Wild Thing and of course the troops.
WT, tell “Tigress of the Tigris, Ramadan Rosie” that I think I’m in love with her.
RR: “Gotta go now and shave my legs. Since I ditched the burka, I feel like a born again lamb chop without the wool. That was BAAAAAA D !”
Ooooouuuu…I love it when you talk “BAAAAAA D”. I saw an Arab girl shave her legs once. I knitted a sweater from the scraps.
OOOooooo….RAH! Recon Kicks ^$$
A few bumper sticker and tee shirt suggestions:
* Ramadan Rosie for President
* Hillary Clinton is Torture
* Is the country ready to vote for a bleak President?
Vote Democrat
Steve, Burma Shave …..”I saw an Arab girl shave her legs once. I knitted a sweater from the scraps.”
LMAO oh my gawd hilarious!
Les, good ones.
OH I pray we don’t have a dem. augh help us…..!
As Carnac the Magnificent would say, “May a diseased buzzard mistake the Taliban’s beard for it’s nest!”