22 Dec

USMC Silent Drill Platoon ~ Totally Awesome!

This is a 2007 performance of the US Marine Drill Team at a recent Denver Nuggets Basketball game.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The very first time I ever saw the USMC Drill Team I was in awe of what they do. That same awe is always there each time I see them. This is so wonderful that they had them at the game. I wish more of this kind of thing would happen. Keep our military in the lives of the citizens, let them see how fantastic they are and how we wouldn’t even have the freedom to play sports without our Veterans and troops keeping us free.

…. Thank you so much Mark for sending this to me.

SSgt Steve, USMC says:

Always impressive. 8th & I, WASHDC was my first duty station in the Marines. I was supposed to be in the silent drill time, but I did not have what it takes. 🙁
So as to not wound Marines with my twirling chrome bayonet, I voluntered for Vietnam.

Wild Thing says:

SSgt Steve, USMC, to be a Marine in itself is awesome! I am very proud of you Steve and honored to know you.

Jack says:

Thank you Mark, thank you WT. Loved the video, that takes a lot of close order drill and practice , I loved being around the Marines along the DMZ and felt safe amongst them, a greater bunch of men will never be found. God bless you guys.
IMO the M14 is still the best rifle ever issued, even though the M16 was good you couldn’t do the things these talented Marines are doing with it. I can laugh now at Steve’s comment about wounding a fellow Marine, but at the time it wasn’t funny when I had one stuck into the top my left foot in practice, no major damage but it sure smarted, the medic put a zipper on it and sent me back out too ‘kill’. That resulted from using the very short M16 for practice. I hated bayonet practice so bad that I resolved to become ‘expert’ with the tool, I didn’t like my DI and he taunted us to stick him with an unsheathed bayonet on the M14, he was good, and only backed off me when I took the buttons off his fancy pressed blouse. God bless him, he brought out the worst in me, he was right in his method even if we didn’t understand it at the time.

Les says:

I can’t even imagine what their practice sessions are like. Plain and simple, those guys are awesome.

Wild Thing says:

Jack wow thank you for sharing about that. I bet that really hurt when that happened to your foot. I can feel it just reading about it.

Wild Thing says:

Les yes just imagine the hours and hours of practice it takes.

Aggie says:

I used to find the USMC silent drill team simply amazing and the epitomy of discipline. however, having been on the Texas A&M Fish Drill Team, I honestly get kind of bored when watching them now. In the movie “A Few Good Men,” it isn’t the Marines, but former members of the A&M Fish Drill Team performing. Now the Marines are still awesome, and must have immense discipline and all that. Please don’t get me wrong on that, and I do have a lot of respect for them, because just like them, we endured a lot to go from knowing absolutely nothing about drill to being the best team in the Nation in a few months.