As this is the first day of winter I hope those of you that live in the colder and snowbound areas have a mild winter. One that you can enjoy and not have any hardships from the storms, ice and snow.
Tonight is the night Nick and I go out to eat and then take the awesome drive through our local streets and roads near our home to look at the beautiful Christmas lights. Then back home a cozy evening, the fire going and for hot chocolate and some Christmas movies. The old ones are still the best.
I love the Chtistmas season so I always hope for cooler weather since we are in Florida, and we have been having just that with 51 degrees in the evening and early mornings. I know for those of you that live in the cold areas this is not cold, but it does feel good here for a change.
I see where a storm is supposed to be coming in for the Northeast. Those of you that live in those areas will be in my thoughts that it won’t be harsh and you can enjoy a wonderful Christmas week coming up.

Thank you, WT. Winter Solstice; those of the Druid faith, I wish you well.
Steve this is so funny. I just looked up Druid faith because I had no idea how it related to today being the first day of winter. giggle
Thanks for mentioning it since I didn’t know anything about it. I have always loved seasons, all of them, the changes ( being from Illinois we always had real differences unlike here in Florida where it is mostly summer weather). So I look forward to even seeing it listed on calenders. hahahahaha
Have a wonderful day Steve and thanks for your friendship.
Today is the shortest day of the year, thats the bad news. The good news is the days from now on start getting longer….Ccccc’mon Spring.
I like to enjoy the four seasons. Summers can be long and bad here in Texas, but a long harsh winter anywhere can be the true ordeal. Still, there is a beauty to the snow of Winter and an enjoyment to the early awakenings of Spring that is hard to beat.
Nice graphic WT. Always glad to see the days getting longer, just thinking of my old workplace that won’t see the light of day for another month and then it will only be twilight, did I mention cold? Brrr!!! Civil Twilight 10:50 AM – 2:57 PM Length Of Visible Light:4h 06m, Moon: No Moon Rise, No Moon Set, Length of Day: 0h 00m, Tomorrow will be 0m 0s shorter. Temp: a balmy -16f. Bwahahaha, life is good, I don’t miss that place.
I think I’ll hit the big city tonight to see the displays too. It’s been raining here and ‘we’ still have more mall stomping to do.:)
Enjoy the drive through your neighborhood to see the Christmas lights. Have a warm wrap and some hot chocolate handy in case you come across Ramadan Rosie roaming the streets in her bikini. She may need it in your cold 51 degree weather.
Happy Winter Solstice & Merry Yule!
Here in CT we have the remnants of two snowstorms sealed in place by the crust left by three ice and sleet storms. It never melts, even in the weak December sun, and sticks around until Spring unless we get a long warm spell.
Guys nearby are already ice fishing, and it’s cloudy today. The past couple of days were bright and clear, with cloudless winter skies.
It’s great, but it hasn’t even begun. Emerson said the worst thing that can be said about New England isn’t Puritanism, it’s February.
The guys are home from Fort Campbell and Bragg, and they’re happy to see the winter white. But they can leave, we can’t.
Merry Christmas to everyone here from all of us.
Happy Solstice to you all. While I make no claims to being a Druid, the solar calendar is an essential part of my spiritual life and this time of year is special. It is, in it’s own way, a turning of the page, much more significant that the traditional Julian calendar year, it is a time to celebrate the beginning of life starting anew and brings with it the promise of the chance to start again all things that we seem to have lost touch with. An awareness of the natural cycle of things is an important part of all faiths and should be appreciated for what it is, a chance to renew our faith in all ways and in all things. It is a time of peace, both within and with out and, more importantly, a time to reflect on what has passed and what is yet to come. And with that, I bid thee all well and wishes for all good things in the year to come.
Mark, I hope your spring is here soon.
Tom, yes I love the variety of the seasons.
Jack thanks for the link, oh wow yes I need some dark at night just to break up the day.
Les, hahah yes Ramadan Rosie is getting a good ole American Holiday experience.
Rhod, I am sorry about your weather, I had seen about the storms coming in and thought of you in CT.
Gregor, I adore winter so this day has always meant a lot to me. It has always been my way of saying winter is alive and well and let’s celebrate it. That clean fresh cold air in ones nose and lungs and the white pure snow covering the earth….so beautiful.
Brrrrr! It looks c c c cold in here!
Patrick. hahahaha yessss lots of snow. heh heh