15 Dec

Tryphorgetin From DNC Pharmaceuticals

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Maybe this is how people don’t seem to want to remember all those Gates and the many crimes of the Clinton’s. I mean it has to be something, because the nerve it takes for Hillary to run for office after all the years of “gates ‘ and deaths …hello Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Colby and soooooooo many others………. how else could a person forget.

drstrangeloveb52isok says:

Like Barbara Olson wrote in HELL TO PAY….
the gates of HELL are what the Clintons are all about! 100% pure EVIL!!

TomR says:

Clever. I wish it could be played on broadcast television a few times.

Jack says:

The balm of the psychopaths, hardly needed on most of today’s big D idiot savants.

Les says:

I had seen this before and thought that it was a great spoof. Now I am not sure. I think that the drug is for real as too many people have the symptoms. It must be the first phase of HillaryCare. Free Tryphorgetin.

Wild Thing says:

drstrangeloveb52isok, she was right, thanks for the reminder of her book too.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, hahahah can you imagine if they did show that video on tv.
Hillary would blow her stack. heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Jack, yes, Nick has some relatives that don’t even need this Rx. They tell Nick all the time how Clinton was the best President we ever had. Then he debates them why they are wrong.

Wild Thing says:

Les, yes there sure are alot of people that have these symptoms.