Fred Thompson supports Florida Marriage Amendment
USA Daily
GOP presidential hopeful Fred Thompson courted Social Conservatives in Florida by supporting the Florida Marriage amendment. Thompson issues the following statement:
“I applaud the work of Florida Coalition to Protect Marriage. Their efforts will give the people of Florida a voice on this very important subject. I strongly believe in the time honored principle of marriage being a union between one man and one woman, the foundation of any civilized society. Florida’s Marriage Amendment will have my support in 2008. As President, I will appoint judges who apply the law, not make it up from the bench. We should not be held subject to judicially created social policy, and I will use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to defend the institution of marriage.”
TALLAHASSEE, Florida – Supporters of a Florida petition drive to ban same-sex marriage announced this morning that they have enough signatures to make the November ballot.
Supporters for the amendment who seek to protect the institution of marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman have gathered over 600,000 signatures to place the issue on the ballot on November 4, 2008.
The Florida amendment would protect the natural definition of marriage, thus preventing state judges from legalizing “gay marriage.”
In the past three years, five states without marriage amendments — Massachusetts, New York, California, Washington state and Maryland — have watched judges strike down those states’ respective marriage laws. Although Massachusetts is still the only state to recognize “gay marriage,” that could change by the end of the year.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
How sad to think in the world today there has to be an Amendment to say Marriage can only be between a man and a woman. IT SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY …………BUT it is, because the world is upside down and PC runs crazy with an agenda to destory marriage and what it means.
You bet if it is on the ballot I will vote for marriage to be only between a man and a woman.
… but how does Fred feel about the marriage between a man and a goat in blue state Vermont?
I wonder if he uses, Skoal ‘Long cut.’ I really like Fred Thomson I just wish he could show a little more energy.
Maybe he could get Larry the ‘Cable Guy’ to write some of his stuff for him, ya know ‘Git-r-done’ Fred, something.
Thompson seems to have a publicity problem. I seldom hear about him compared to most of the other candidates. When I do hear Fred, I really like what he says. His statement about judges is absolutely correct. The judiciary, and lawyers, are undermining the moral heart and soul of America with their silliness.
It’s sad to see the only three perceived conservatives ranking so low. Is the Grand Old Party really dead? 1%, 2% even 10% isn’t going to get a conservative on the ticket, with the media darlings being the RINO’s. The talk is all about religion, faggots and banning torture, not the issues of sovereignty, security and stability. Marriage shouldn’t even be an issue in the quest to survive as a nation, but the pandering left has made it so.
I have been leaning towards Thompson..I like him and his views.
Anything other than man and woman is sick!
Right on Thompson!
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Marriage is a union between one man and one woman.
If the Libs want to tinker with marriage to include same sex couples than they should be liberal and sensitive enough to include more than two people of any combination of sexual orientation. They should also open marriage to be between humans and pets. I am sure there are many people who love and would like to marry their pets.
Toyota and Honda showed off humanoid-like robots this week. The Libs should practice what they preach about being all inclusive and allow humans and robots to marry. Maybe someone would like to marry the potted plant that they love so much.
Too bad no politician when asked about same sex marriage has the guts to say, “Get a life! The country has real problems to deal with and same sex marriage ain’t one of them.”
I like Fred Thompson and hope that enough others agree and keep him in the race.
Seriously patriots, with Fred, Duncan, Rudy, John and Mitt in our GOP primary line-up… I can sleep like a baby elephant at night! We’ll select the P / VP next summer in Minnesota / Muslimsoda…. and kick donkey ass … AGAIN. Did ya’ll realize impeached pervert in heat – Bubba Clinton – is the Defeatocrats ONLY re-elected two-term president since FDR in WW II (1944)? …………………….
1944? Pass along this FACT to your friends and neighbors!
drstrangeloveb52isok, funny thing is I had not even heard about it here in Florida till I saw this article about Fred Thompson. I am so glad he spoke out about it.
Mark, I wish he would too. He needs some fire inside his belly, some passion. He says good things but does it laid back.
Tom, I agree, Thompson and Hunter both need a major overhaul of their campaign people. They keep messing up and not doing things that need to be done.
Jack I get really upset by that. The media refuses to mention Thompson and Hunter when they list people. Even Bill O’reilly the jerk has a poll people can call in and vote on and he left Thompson and Hunter off completely. grrrr
How can that be a true poll when he leaves the conservaitves OFF his stupid list. sheesh
Patrick, I agree, it is sick and also against what God says as well.
Les, your right, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and the left constantly want to mess with just about everything.
Darth, that is true.
What a line up on the left. Like a messy accident waiting to happen.