Theodore's World
This is so funny. LOL
That’s funny. I guess he believes that global warming nonsense.
Ha! Looks like one of my Great Pyreness after their summer cut…
Tom, hahaha I thoguht so too, maybe Gore sent him the razor. hahahahaha
Steve, Barber of Seville, yessss he does, at first I thought a huge poodle but that still wasn’t what he looked like. More like what you said.
How is David Seville and his three chipmunks – Alvin, Simon and Theodore – doing? I still want that Hula-Hoop for Christmas! (December 21, 1963 album cover)
drstrangeloveb52isok, hahaha I remember I lvoe those little guys. hahahaa
That’s funny. I guess he believes that global warming nonsense.
Ha! Looks like one of my Great Pyreness after their summer cut…
Tom, hahaha I thoguht so too, maybe Gore sent him the razor. hahahahaha
Steve, Barber of Seville, yessss he does, at first I thought a huge poodle but that still wasn’t what he looked like. More like what you said.
How is David Seville and his three chipmunks – Alvin, Simon and Theodore – doing? I still want that Hula-Hoop for Christmas!
(December 21, 1963 album cover)
drstrangeloveb52isok, hahaha I remember I lvoe those little guys. hahahaa