Hugo Chavez Invents New Half-Hour Time Zone
The Telegraph
Venezuela has created its own, unique time zone on the orders of President Hugo Chavez, setting clocks back half an hour and putting the oil-rich nation out of step with its neighbours.
“I don’t care if they call me crazy, the new time will go ahead,” said Mr Chavez.
The president said the change would improve health, as the sun will rise before most Venezuelans get up ensuring all go to work or school in daylight.
“These children have to get up at five in the morning… they arrive at school dead tired,” said Mr Chavez. “And why? Because of our time.”
Government ministers lined up to support the president’s theory.
“The human brain is conditioned by the light of the sun,” offered Hector Navarro, the Minister of Science and Technology, assuring that the health and productivity of the nation will improve thanks to the change.
Many Venezuelans were not impressed with the change or bamboozled by the technical jargon coming out of the Science and Technology Ministry.
“The only thing this will do is inject yet more chaos into our lives,” said John Marulanda, a young executive. “This president believes in change for change’s sake.” President Chavez has now changed the flag, the national coat of arms, the salute of the armed forces and the constitution.
He sought to change Venezuela’s political system on Dec 2, when he proposed a referendum to enshrine socialism in the constitution and grant the president indefinite re-election and even greater powers.
Fifty-one per cent of Venezuelans said no, delivering Mr Chavez his first electoral defeat in nine years.
However the president has vowed to press ahead with his changes and has enough power through his control of the armed forces, the National Assembly, the judicial system, the Central bank and increasingly of the media, to introduce change without recourse to another referendum.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL Next, he will turn the calendars back.
“These children have to get up at five in the morning… they arrive at school dead tired,” said Mr Chavez. “And why? Because of our time.”
Uhhh….why doesn’t he just change the time the kids have to be at school?
“I don’t care if they call me crazy…”
He’s crazy.LOL
Si bonita senora WT … Hugo A Go Go is LOCO!
It sounds like he’s not too far out of step with our own Congress on changing when Daylight Savings Time takes place.
I still say he looks like the Ferengi from Star Trek.
That guy is wacked!
Next he’ll annouce prayer call five times a day. Where’s pappa Jimmah and Cindy, his wench?
Gotta love a guy who expresses his power by random change. Next he’ll change the official language…just wait and see.
Does Chavez moonlight as a ‘Sludge Mechanic’, why are his hands always dirty. You’d think with all the money he takes for his people he could afford some soap.
If Hugo Chavez wants to improve the health of his country he could just not wake up —- permanently.
Darth, he sure is, maddness seems to rule in these haters of freedom.
Bob, LOL oh omy gosh that is just so perfect. Thanks Bob.
Patrick, wacked is right, I loved how he made threats at our country then said we were out to kill him. He was on a roll. hahaha
Jack, maybe in his audience. hahahaa
Pete Sujdak,lol yes, just had a thought about that….change it to English Hugo so when we OWN you it will be earier to understand when the prison guard says….get back in your cell. hahahaha
Mark, oh my gawd I your right!
Les, YESSSSS, that you make half of his people happy I think. The half that voted he cannot stay in power forever. heh heh