09 Dec

SitRep From Iraq


SitRep From Iraq: Young Enlisted Marines Hand Dan Rather his ARSE!
The ‘Snuffies’ give “Mr.” Rather what in common parlance is know as a “B—ch Slap”! (Verbally, of course … dammit!)
January 2005
A Marine’s Thoughts–from Iraq

“Hope everyone is well.
Elections right around the corner here. Everything is going very well (except for the visit we just had from Dan Rather and his freakin’ entourage from hell). A more pompous (but scared and nervous) bunch of individuals I have never met before. Actually, keep your eyes out for Rather’s report on our company in Lutufiyah (Golf Company, 2nd Bn, 24th Marines from Madison, Wisconsin). Should be interesting. The report should air on 60 Minutes II on Wednesday night your time, if somebody could tape it for me. I would really like to see what they keep in the report and what they edit out. Rather, that lowlife clown, kept trying to bait my young Marines with loaded questions and they kept putting it right back in his face. Best part was when he asked one of the Marines why they don’t like the media. The answer he got was, “that you idiots make the terrorists look like giants whenever they explode a bomb. They’re not; they’re nothing but a bunch of cowards. But they do know that you guys in the press will eventually beat down public opinion with your constant focus on only the negative.” Rather just looked at these guys with a scrunched up face, and did not give an answer back. I think he was ready to leave the “Mad Ghosts” area as soon as he could. Funny part, none of us were really sad to see him and his traveling circus hit the road.
Bottom line on this whole thing is that on Sunday, we will be involved in a historic event of immense proportion. A democratic election in Muslim country has never before taken place in this region. These people, over the ages, decades, and centuries of their existence, have always lived under the direct rule of one monarch type of leader or another. This is a momentous occasion, to say the least.
Occasionally, we do have some fun here. The attachment I have sent was forwarded to me by a friend at Headquarters, Marine Corps. Sad part is that it is pretty accurate.
Keeping this one very short, due to the short-fused time hack on the 60 Minutes II story.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This was written in 2005 but it so good and things like this never get old, never. I wanted to share it with you. Thanks Mark for sending this to me. I lvoe things like this. God bless our troops and this Marine!

TomR says:

Dan Rather is in his own hell right now. It is called obscurity. No one cares or thinks about him. After decades of bias “journalism”, Dan Rather finally fell in public disgrace.

Wild Thing says:

Tom he is and well deserved.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

CBS= Communist Broadcast Nutwork…
Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite = Benedict Arnold and Hanoi Jane Fonda…!