Grocery Store Mistakenly Advertises Hams as Hanukkah Food
A grocery store in Manhattan made a food faux pas, advertising hams as “Delicious for Chanukah.”
Fox News
Chanukah — an alternate spelling for Hanukkah — is the eight-day Jewish holiday that began Tuesday evening, and hams — as well as pork and other products from pigs — can’t be eaten under Jewish dietary laws.
A woman who saw the mistake over the weekend at the Balducci’s store on 14th Street took pictures of the signs and posted them on her blog.
Jennifer Barton, director of marketing, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the signs were changed as soon as the error was noted.
She issued an apology on the company Web site, saying the company would be reviewing its employee training.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Let’s look at the huge difference here in how this was handled and how the followers of Islam would have handled it. LOL
If this was done to a Moslem holiday:
call CAIR and whine and complain
make JIahd signs and picket the place with signs saying they will behead the place and all the employees
burn the American Flag, Israeli Flag, and images of Bush
….Thank you SSgt Steve for sending me this article
‘Tis the glorious season of the year… Advent…
Hanukkah… Christmas… Our savior’s birthday… and New Year’s Day. How SWEET it is WT!
Nothing wrong here. The store made a simple error and corrected it. I kinda doubt there are going to be any Jewish suicide bombers heading to the store.
…. What? No fatwas nor mercy killings nor beheadings nor jihads in the Express Line? No Piggly Wiggly lawsuits from CAIR: Crazed Arab
Insanity Revolution either? Oh my Allah! Why is HAM in Muhammad? Inquiring infidels want to know.
I’ve got a question about the woman who initially took the pictures and posted them on her blog. Why didn’t she bring the mistake to the attention of the stores management?
There would definitely be a difference if a follower of Islam objected about it.
They store management would have refused to change the sign saying that it is their freedom of speech.
The would never allow or hire any follower of Islam in their store.
The TV news and channels would be making fun of the way Muslim eat their food
and in the last
say that all Muslim are terrorist and they were objecting because they would have a reason to burn down the store and blah blah
Manawr, isn’t that what they do when they believe they’ve been insulted; burn down the store.
Yannow Bob, I might have done the same thing, took a picture and posted it, laughed about it, like she did. I don’t think I would have complained to the store, why deprive others of the joke? You see, I’m Jewish and to me, it wasn’t offensive, it was funny.
Darth it truly is and I love this time of year more then any other time.
Tom that’s for sure, not a single Jewish suicide bomber. What a difference good vs. evil makes.
drstrangeloveb52isok, haha nope no fatwas.
Bob, I don’t know unless she did it because it was one of those times where one has to laugh about something that was done out of innocent thing and not to offend.
Munawar Khan, not true, our media unfortunately sides with the terrorists the followers of Islam and not the side of those realizing Islam is our enemy and a death cult.
Genghis and Kubla Khan were my kind of Mongols that kicked islamo ass in Ali Baba’s days! Mongol Up 2007!