26 Nov

I Won’t Back Down ~ Our Troops Rock!

I wont back down-by Johnny Cash

John says:

Very nice WT!!!! Thanks.

SSgt Steve, CLC says:

Wow. That was great, WT. It got me “all fired up”. Now I want to go invade the border.
SSgt Steve…Republic of Texas Marines Corps

Lynn says:

That’s right, we won’t back down.
Not for anyone or anything.

Mark says:

These troops really got some neat stuff… they even got rid of C-rats, no more Ham and M*********ers, or Apricots, that in itself is worth re-enlistment BONUS.

TomR says:

Wish I could be with the troops.

Jack says:

Thanks Chrissie, very heartfelt.

Wild Thing says:

John, glad you got to see it.

Wild Thing says:

SSgt Steve, I will join you.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, hahaha so cute.

Wild Thing says:

Tom,I know what you mean, for me I would love to go there and thank them in person.

Wild Thing says:

Jack thank you so much.