24 Nov

“The Religion of Peace” Beheading Because of Western Style Trousers

Iraq: Sisters behead uncle and aunt in front of their children – because he wore Western-style trousers
Daily mail.co.uk
And also an article at Reuters
An Iraqi couple were beheaded in front of their children by their cousins because the man wore Western-style trousers.
Three suspected al Qaeda militants, including two sisters, beheaded their uncle and his wife, forcing the couple’s children to watch, according to Iraqi police.
The killing came because the school guard Youssef al-Hayali was considered an infidel because he did not pray and wore western-style trousers.
The militants, later arrested in Diyala province northwest of Baghdad, killed Hayali and his wife Zeinab Kamel at the all-boys school in Jalawlah.
Sunni Arab communities across Iraq have been turning against al Qaeda because of its indiscriminate killings and strict interpretation of Islam, which includes a ban on smoking in public and forcing schoolgirls to wear veils.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Sick is the word for it. I don’t want any of these kind of people coming into this country. Well, they didn’t put panties over their heads or scare them with dogs etc.. So I guess the lefties in our country and the media will not want this to get out to let people know the truth about how peaceful Islam is.

drstrangeloveb52isok says:

… Das is it mein fuhrer! WE can hijack the German Lutheran religion of peace and start a …
Fourth and Fifth and Sixth Reichstagge?
And sie Amerikaners won’t be able to attack us in the name of religion, ja vol?

Mark says:

Sheesh… what the punishment for wearing ‘Levis’. …These people are demented .
Has anyone pointed this execution out to Dickie, The Dick Durbin about what real torture is ?

SSgt Steve, CLC, 75043 says:

WT: “I don’t want any of these kind of people coming into this country.”
STEVE: Sadly, my friend, they are already here.
WT: “Well, they didn’t put panties over their heads or scare them with dogs etc.. ”
STEVE: What’s the big deal with panties worn over the head? I think there are those “out there” who do it for “fun”.

TomR says:

The MSM in America did not report this. The MSM was more worried about what time the stores opened for Black Friday and the economic outlook for this year’s retail sales.
Meanwhile, more mooselimbs quietly immigrate into America.

Jack says:

I saw the photo over at Pat Dollard’s place. It’s not for the sqeemish, like you said nothing mentioned in the MSM. Where is the outrage and condemnation from our Judeao-Christian leaders? History has shown us all that turning the other cheek and making nice to these butchers has never and never will work. We have to treat each and every one of them as a potential threat, as sleepers waiting for the ‘word’ to attack. Thay have demonstrated both their own lack of condemnation of murder and the their willingness to continue the practice. How many more ‘infidels’ will it take to wake up the lily-livered pacifists out there that we are in a life and death war for our very survival as a society?

Wild Thing says:

drstrangeloveb52isok, exactly just use the in the name of religion and the lefties will ignore the crimes as much as possible.

Wild Thing says:

Mark I wish someone would, I agree, put this information right on his desk for him to see.

Wild Thing says:

SSgt Steve,that was funny how you did that…hahaha
I should have said the Gitmo thing where they put the panties on the heads of the terrorists in prison and the terrorists complained. They called it torture what a bunch of wimps.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, so true, can you believe what a stupid huge deal has been made about Black Friday. I could care less about it. And it is all over the place augh.

Wild Thing says:

Jack thanks for the information. I didn’t know he had the story there too. GOOD I am so glad, because people need to know the true news of things happening and not some fluff piece on shopping or how we are the bad guys and Islam is the good guy. sheesh
And your so right about that this is about fighting for our survival too.