Parents see red over school’s green-suited santa
daily mail.co.uk
Father Christmas has been given a makeover – after one school decided his red suit was a symbol of “modern commercialism”.
The outfit would remind pupils of Coca-Cola adverts, according to the parents’ committee at the Steiner School in Brighton.
So instead youngsters will be visited by a green-clad St Nicholas.
School spokesman Sarah James said: “The red-suited Santa was created as a marketing tool by Coca-Cola, it is a symbol of commercialism.”
But the move has upset some parents, who would prefer the red-suited Santa.
Cheryl Williams, 24, said: “What are they going to ban next – snow? Once again the PC brigade have clamped down on everyone’s fun.”
And amateur historian David Baker said: “There are images of a red-suited Santa going back to before the creation of Coca-Cola.
“Thomas Nast drew images of Merry Old Santa Claus that shows Santa in his red suit.
“If my research is correct, Coca-Cola wasn’t even invented until 1886.”
At the school’s Christmas bazaar, pupils will be told a “moral” tale rather than the traditional Christmas story, and instead of opening presents, they will be given fake “rocks” to break open to reveal crystals.
Mrs James said: “The school isn’t trying to be a spoilsport or anything like that.
“The children are bound to come across Santa Claus plenty of times in the run-up to Christmas and we’re happy for them to.
“We just want to give them a different experience.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
What the heck? They keep messing with alll aspects of our lives with this kind of baloney.
Now we know why the Mayflower set sail from England in 1620!
… and GREEN is the color of the national flag of Saudi Arabia! Merry Ramadan Eurabian Union and “Allah save the queen!” My name is Bomb… Jihad Bomb 2007 for James Bond 007 is dead. Soon the HAM will be removed from Buckingham Palace!
If I were in this school, the other students and I would rebel. Gawg! Just leave things alone already.
Imagine that! These people have such a peaceful and carefree life that they have the time and energy to invent this BS and make a #1 drama out of it.
Leave Santa alone!
More liberal PC crap run amok.
I saw in Utah, where White Crosses were placed alongside the highway in honor of State Trooper who gave their lives, in the line of duty. …Now some Atheists are demanding the crosses be removed.
When did we become a country ruled by a perverted, self-serving minority.
I belive the words for it is Nanny Nation,for me
I tend to be very politicaly incorrect and very
proud of that fact…
Bullcrap!!! “The school decided to an Eastern European version of the festive season, which it believes will be more “inclusive” – even though most pupils are British.”
It wasn’t the British School, it was the Islamists that have invaded the system, be truthful UK, you caved in once again. Changing a Christian Holiday symbol into a mohammedan symbol, soon it will be supplanted with the green star and crescent they so love there.
These appeasers are all about the indoctrination and inculcation of Communism and Islam on the weak minded student and their even weaker minded parents. Don’t want to offend mo, as in molester, they obviously over looked the way that Saudi woman who was raped was punished for being the victim, receiving 200 lashes, when they chose to turn away from tradition to embrace their “Eastern European version”.
BTW. They all want their red ‘Che’ and green Osama Tee shirts for Christmas too!!!
Sick! I guess some day there will be a demand that the Uniom Jack and the Stars and Stripes be green and white instead of Red, White and Blue. It is sad that tradition and enjoyment are being given up for the demands of selfish minority groups.
Long live Red Suited Santa Claus!
I LOVE the RED suited Santa!
I’d be upset too if some school official told me to change what I believe.
Phooey on that! Santa wears RED!!!!
Why is it that everything that’s wacky is starting in England? But then, we have the city council voting to ban colored Christmas Lights in Fort Collins, CO.
Darth, yep next will be the Easter bunny.
drstrangeloveb52isok, ROTFLAMO
SSgt Steve I agree I would rebel too.
Yankeemom, your right they are drama makers.
Mark oh wow that is horrible. And then those people complaining get to live in safety because of those that give their lives to protect them. grrrrr
Tincan Sailor, I love to say I am not PC too.
Jack,I agree, your right, let’s not offend ole MO and the islamites.
Tom, what will they demand next I wonder.
Lynn, Yes, and he better be in red when I see him in the store this Christmas season.
Bob, that is terrible about Co.too.
http://www.thebirthofchrist.com … saw the previews on EWTN and look for this fantastic musical tribute to Baby Jesus in your stores NOW! This CHRISTMAS project took the composer Andrew Miller 10 years to write, script and make happen, and it’s filmed in an Irish Cathedral.
Go to http://www.ewtn.com and click on Raymond Arroyo WORLD OVER. Take THAT secular scrooges and grinches and atheists!
PS: Harry Potter Conquers Saint Nicholas!
….magic crystal rocks, eh? OUIJA Boards on Christmas Eve too? The 12 Days of Tarot Cards?
A pentacle on the Christmas tree too?
Darth thank you so much. How wonderful these are.