All Military Components Meet, Exceed Recruiting Goals
American Forces Press Service
The first month of fiscal 2008 was a success for all active and reserve military components.
In a meeting with Pentagon reporters today, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said all components met or exceeded their recruiting goals for October.
On the active-duty side, the Army made 101 percent of its goal of 4,500, with 4,564 recruits. The Navy made 100 percent of its goal of 2,788 recruits. The Marine Corps made 102 percent of its goal of 2,720, with 2,788 enlisting. The Air Force made 100 percent of its goal of 2,656.
The Guard and reserve components “did very well” in October, Whitman said. The Air National Guard made 134 percent of its goal of 609 accessions, actually signing up 818 airmen. The Army National Guard also had a very good month, signing up 123 percent of its goal of 4,311 soldiers. The Army Guard signed up 5,305 men and women.
The Navy Reserve made 112 percent of its goal of 818, signing up 918 sailors, and the Army Reserve made 104 percent of goal, signing up 3,297 against 3,169. The Marine Corps Reserve and Air Force Reserve both made 100 percent of their goals of 890 and 681, respectively.
The services’ monthly goals are not constant. “The goal numbers go up and down based on what they have to achieve at the end of the year,” Whitman said.
Recruiting officials set goals, and military training personnel set class seats based on historic data showing when Americans traditionally enlist. For example, there are higher goals and more class seats for June, when most high school seniors graduate.
But the turnout is encouraging, Whitman said. “This is good news,” he said. “In the first month of this fiscal year, in terms of recruiting in active duty and reserve-component forces, it looks pretty good right now.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Was it Murtha or Reid that said our Military is BROKEN beyond repair! The idiot dems continue to try and undermine our fine young military force for their political agenda but I think most Americans are awake to the threat and are patriotic.
God Blees our great military and the brave soliders who defend our lives and liberties.
The Leathernecks beat us out ONLY because Uncle Sam won’t let the USAF Air Power BACK into the game! “All I want for Christmas is C-130 Spectre gunship support…5,000 pound JDAMS…massive carpet bombing… A-10 Thunderbolt smoke and awe…”
Darth, giggle, Santa has a big request this year. heh heh
…and a partridge in a pear tree!
LOL that too.