Muslim prayer time new legal issue at Swift plant
Lubbock online
The dispute over prayer breaks for Muslim employees at the Swift & Co. plant in Cactus is a two-sided legal issue, an Amarillo attorney said this week.
At least 54 plant employees, all Muslims of African descent, walked off the job last week, citing the company’s refusal to allow them two prayer breaks and female employees adequate time to wash after using the restroom, a strict requirement of the religion.
Vicki Wilmarth, an attorney specializing in employment law, said, “The basic rule is, an employer has to reasonably accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs and practices, but only if the employee can do so without undo hardship to the employer’s business.
“So it’s a balancing act. It requires the employer and employees to determine what a reasonable accommodation would be.”
Wilmarth said the federal statute governing religious discrimination in the workplace is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the state statute is Texas Labor Code section 21.051.
“Although neither statute says that employers have to reasonably accommodate religion, the courts have implied that and the regulations enforce that.”
Muslim workers pray five times a day and are asking Swift to grant two breaks a day: one at 4 p.m. and one at sunset.
“Breaks have to be paid if they are less than 30 minutes, but the law doesn’t say how many there have to be,” Wilmarth said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
The poor things are being Swift-planted! heh heh The answer is simple, the moral of this story is don’t hire muslims!
This is weird too, I mean the Swift Plant producse and packages meat products there, many of them PORK. And the reason why muzzies want to work around pork is what, exactly?
Remember when Bill Clinton brought 95,000 Somalis into the U.S. and gave them legal status. He also signed an executive order directing taxpayer monies for interpreters, job-training services and family/healthcare services for them.
“All my IMAMS live in Texas… and Texas is the place I really want to be. All my IMAMS live in Texas… and that’s why I hang my turban in Tennessee!” – George Darth Strait 2007!
Clinton also brought in Haitians with terminal AIDS at a time when it was highly contagious and there was no known cure.
These muslims at the Swift plant are probaably some of those Somalians. They settled as groups in several American cities. They took over a town in Maine and ae big trouble makers in Minneapolis as they demand accomodations be made to their muslim religion. They were also responsible for the election of Ellison, the first muslim in Congress. Thanks Bill Clinton
Swift ought to fire every one of them.
If they let the Mooslims have their time, then they have to let all the other religions who work there have theirs.
Fair is fair and then no one would be working.
Again, using Freedom of religion against us.
And how many of these so called Mooslims of African descent are former prison inmates?
Good point, Lynn.
So, 54 of the employees are Black Moslems, meaning they converted from some Christian religion to the Rag-head one. I’ve read where a lot of that ‘convertin’ is goin’ on in our prisons. So why is Swift hiring all these ex-Cons to do the work in the first place.
But maybe Swift figures, that since they are moslems they won’t steel the profits… well maybe just a few ‘chittlins’ for lunch ,… for old time sake.
Second, if these were F’ngelicals wanting to have a revival meeting on company time, for 5 minutes or so, real Bible thumpin, old time religion, I wonder how it would be received with this lawyer who is representing these Black-Moslems ?
So from my perspective, these newly converted moslems were at one time ‘Back-Slidin’ Christians which leads to the illogical conclusion that all moslems are basically second class christians who have run amok, and became moslems. Maybe Swift ought to start processing Snakes these converted Muzzies would feel right at home.
Is it just me or does it seem since 9/11, Muslims in America have become more embolden in demands to accommodate their religious practices? This isn’t the first meat packing plant in America that is having this problem. The same thing happened at a Swift plant in Nebraska.
Two points about Texas. Texas is one of the only states that does not have a law requiring employers to give breaks at all.
Second, Texas is an “employ at will” state. Suggestion: Fire their asses. I am sure there are real Americans who are willing to have the jobs.
One way to fix the problem,switch from beef to pork…Butcher only pork:-)
Who said we have to buy Swift’s products, if it isn’t illegal’s it’s muzzies? Robert Pickton’s meat processing plant can use all of them it can get. They’d fit right in since their cult is death too, just turn Willie loose on them.
Darth, hahaha I don’t think it matters anymore what State a person lives in, these people are like some horrible virus that has spread across our land.
Tom, sigh, just thinking of a world without the Clinton’s. It would have been so wonderful if he had never ever been President.
Lynn, I agree, fire them. Cut their baloney off at the pass.
Mark..good one, yes.
“Swift ought to start processing Snakes these converted Muzzies would feel right at home.”
Bob thanks for the link and the added information. So they have done this before and are trying it again in a different State. Sheesh, they never give up.
Robocop, thanks I didn’t know that, I agree fire these people and problem solved. Let them know this company will not be bullied.
Tincan Sailor , love it, that would really turn them off. heh heh
Jack wow,like you said they would fit right in their all worship death.
USAF training in San Antonio and Wichita Falls in the 70’s and …WTF has happened to TEXAS? If thet’re not stopping the Mexican invasion, then you’re right WT… the Muzzies are invading as well! WOE ALAMO 1836 & 2007! Osama bin Laden from the east and Sanna Anna from the southwest?
– The Lone Crescent State?