10 Nov

Happy 232nd Birthday To The United States Marines

Since 1775 they have been answering thier nation’s call.
Thank you from a gratefull nation to all of you who have answered that call, but past and present.
May God bless each and every one of you and keep you safely in His arms.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

“We’re surrounded? GOOD, now we can kill the bastards in any direction!” – Colonel Lewis B.’Chesty’ Puller, USMC, Korean War. Happy Birthday Leathernecks over the last 232 years!

SSgt Steve, USMC(P) says:

Thank you, WT and Darth. Happy Birthday to all my Brothers and Sisters. We ARE a family and look after each other. To all you Current Marines and “Young Marines”, America is behind you. Our prayers are with you. You are our (old guys) replacements. You have earned the right.
The Corps will live forever; that means you will live forever. The are no Blacks, Whites and other colors. We are ALL one color; Camo. And our blood is green.
Happy Birthday, and G_d Bless. Now…get the hell back to work.

SSgt Steve, USMC(P) says:

ps. Marines, with regard to yesterdays Pelosi note….I offer you the quote from the movie Independence Day (for Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy).
President Thomas Whitmore: …isn’t anyone out there armed?”

Lynn says:


Ooorah! I have some Marine buddies, besides Navy in SD and around the blogosphere…Happy Birthday Marines!

Mark says:

I have a picture of Marines at the Chosin Reservoir, they are on a snow covered mountain trail,’The Military crest, of course,and it is still snowing they are sitting on the side of the trail during a break in the March.
The caption for the picture says, ” It’s at least 20 degrees below zero. They are surrounded and it is at least 60 miles to the nearest friendly lines, The Marines smile for the camera.”
At the same time back at Camp Pendleton, A company runner came into the office of Brigadier General Smith, Marine Corps Base, and gave him the news. ‘Sir’ the runner said, ‘The Marines are surrounded’, The General without looking up, said, “I’m damned sorry for those Chinese”.
This is what makes up our Corps.
Happy Birthday Marines.
Semper Fi
Keep 5 yards.

sierrahome says:

Happy Birthday…and thank you from my family.

Jack says:

227 years ago in July 1780, 4 years into our war of independence, Benedict Arnold sought and obtained command of West Point in order to surrender it to the British. That was back when America had a clear moral vision, we were able to see that people like Benedict Arnold were traitors. Today we have Congressmen and Senators who’s treason is far more insidious, more immoral and more harmful to America than Arnold could muster. Sadly, America has lost her ability to understand issues of treason, the name Arnold remains interchangeable with treason while John Kerry continues to be called a “hero”. Senator John Murtha can call our Marines murderers for doing their jobs in battle while Lt. Gen. Frank Kearney can call for the courts-martial on murder charges of Green Berets who were doing their jobs under his broad command long after their being aquitted. These feckless politico’s have done everything in their power to undermine the Marines and Soldiers in their BDS, they see no moral dichotomy between a traitor or a hero and honor themsleves and the traitors amongst them as heroes.
With their 232 years of magnificent history, of honor, pride and integrity I want to wish the United States Marine Corp a very Happy Birthday. Thank you for being there. Semper Fidelis

Mark says:

“They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an
enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!”
– Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC
When the Marines were cut off behind enemy lines and the Army had written
the 1st Marine Division off as being lost because they were surrounded by 22
enemy divisions. The Marines made it out inflicting the highest casualty
ratio on an enemy in history and destroying 7 entire enemy divisions in the
process. An enemy division is 16500+ men while a Marine division is 12500 men.

TomR says:

Happy Birthday Marine Corps.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Mark FYI: Gunny Dad Vader was WIA on outpost E25 in Korea…Recalled after WW II… Of 50 Devil Dogs…Only 8 survived that night…His Guardian Angel Fritz had his back!

Wild Thing says:

Darth I love that quote. Chesty was awesome.

Wild Thing says:

SSgt Steve, USMC thank you for being a Marine.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn I love it, yes my thanks to all of them in your family.

Wild Thing says:

Patrick thank you to all your buddies.

Wild Thing says:

Mark thank you so much, one of my Uncles that was a Marine (I had 5 others that were Marines too) he was at the Chosin.
Thank you Mark for being a Marine.

Wild Thing says:

Sierrahome thank you for that wonderful video you made last year of everyone’s service photos, it was so very special.

Wild Thing says:

Jack thank you for sharing that and also for the link too. That was fantastic.

Wild Thing says:

Mark wow that is great thank you so much.

drstrangeloveb52isok says:

Permission to intercept and engage on John Ryan, Mullah Cimoc and Lord Antagonist!

Wild Thing says:

drstrangeloveb52isok, LOL he hasn’t been back. hahaha