O’Hare Airport Security Breach – Over 100 Fake Security Badges, 23 Arrested
The National Terror Alert
Federal and local law enforcement agents raided several warehouses Wednesday at O’Hare International Airport and arrested 24 workers who were allegedly in the country illegally and using phony security badges for jobs on the tarmac, cargo areas and other restricted zones.
Also arrested Wednesday in a probe federal authorities said “identified national security vulnerabilities” were two company managers at Ideal Staffing Solutions Inc., a temporary employment agency in Bensenville. The firm allegedly hired the workers and provided them with deactivated airport security badges that allowed them to work at O’Hare, immigration officials said.
Ideal Staffing managers also knowingly allowed workers to lie about their identities on airport security applications, officials alleged. They said they’re still investigating whether there are more related security risks at the airport.
One report indicates more than 100 workers at have been found with fake security passes.
Authorities said 110 of the badges issued to a contracting company did not match their owners.
Of those arrested, 21 are from Mexico and two from Guatemala, the Associated Press new agency reported.
The case concerns workers employed by Ideal Staffing Solutions, which contracted work for carriers including United Airlines, KLM and Qantas.
Applications for the 110 fake badges used social security numbers that did not exist or belonged to other people, some of them dead.
One worker is said to have told investigators he was asked to rummage through a box of about 20 airport security passes and pick one with a picture that looked like him.
“The investigation identifies a vulnerability that could compromise national security, while bringing criminal charges against individuals who built an illegal work force into their business practice,” said Elissa A. Brown, special agent in charge for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office of investigations in Chicago.
Mary Gurin, 36, of Carpentersville, and Norinye Benitez, 24, of Franklin Park, were arrested and charged in separate federal complaints with one count of harboring illegal aliens for financial gain and one count of misuse of Social Security numbers, according to a release from the U.S. Attorneys office.
There is a video here at the Chicago Tribune online
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Fox News said that the person who hired them was an illegal. And what if they had been Al Qaeda terrorists? If they can get into one of the largest airport in the World, they are already in a bunch of smaller airports!
And this happened in a post 9-11-01 world? At least the Chicoms and Russians would handle this atrocity and major security breach a little differently! … + X + …!!!
I hope Gurin and Benitez get nice long federal prison sentences. I wonder at the Feds only hitting them up with one count each of two charges when they have evidence of 21 and 24 counts.
If these two go to prison, this is what will get the attention of employers and is an even better first step to reversing illegal immigration than a fence. Dry up the jobs available and discontinue the free government benefits and the illegals will head back to their home countries.
The MidEastern illegals are a different story. They are not here for jobs. They are here to bring islam to power in America. They need to be hunted down and booted out ASAP.
I just can’t believe that in our post 911 world, that an illegal would even be allowed to run a business or buy a business.
What is going on?
Who’s to say they aren’t Al Qaeda or Taliban?
Who’s to say these phony employees weren’t going to do a bombing like they did in Scotland?
I’m glad it was caught before anything happened.
Darth post 9-11. It is hard to believe how lax they are and that this could have happened.
Tom I agree, this should be huge news and used to shame those that let this happen. And then follow it up with punishment.
It is scary how many people still think that illegal aliens are just undocumented workers doing jobs that Americans are unwilling to do. They go as far as to believe that we can’t live without them. Now, NY Gov. Spitzer wants to issue them driver’s licenses to go with their false Social Security numbers and, I guess, fake airport security badges. What a country!
The following is an interesting web site with specific links to the financial and social costs of illegal aliens.
25 Reasons to Deport illegal aliens
Lynn I agree thank God they were caught before something horrible happened.
Les thank you so much for that link. I am going to send it to some relatives of ours.
On Glenn Beck tonight Duncan Hunter said a few years ago a bill was signed into law for an 854 mile long double wide fence to be constructed by 30 May 08, @ $850 million dollars. Today, only 5.5 miles of double fencing has been built in Yuma Arizona, and 17 miles of single fencing…that’s all! WTF!! (The Secure Fence Act Bill).