Hairdresser sued for refusing to hire Muslim woman in a headscarf
Daily Mail.co.uk
The owner of a hair salon is being sued for religious discrimination for refusing to hire a Muslim woman who wears a headscarf.
Sarah Desrosiers, 32, says she turned down Bushra Noah as a junior stylist to maintain the image of her salon, which specialises in “urban, funky” cuts.
She told Miss Noah, 19, she needed her staff to display their hairstyles to the public.
But the devout Muslim insisted that wearing her headscarf was essential to her beliefs.
Miss Noah, who has been rejected for 25 different hairdressing jobs after interviews, is suing Miss Desrosiers for more than £15,000 for injury to her feelings plus an unspecified sum for lost earnings.
Miss Desrosiers, who set up the Wedge salon in King’s Cross, North London, 18 months ago, says she faces financial ruin if she loses the case.
She denies any discrimination and insists it is an “absolutely basic” job requirement that cus-Yesterday, Miss Desrosier said: “When a potential client walks past on the street, they look into a salon at the stylists to get an impression of what haircut they are going to get there.
“The image I have built my salon on is very urban, funky, punky. That is the look I am going for.
“If an employee were wearing a baseball cap or cowboy hat I would ask them to remove it at work.
“It has nothing to do with religion. But I now feel like I have been branded a racist. My name is being dragged through the mud.”
She went on: “This girl is suing me for more than I earn in a year.
“I am a small business and have only had my salon a year and a half. If I lose this lawsuit, my business will fold.”
In legal papers setting out her employment tribunal claim, Miss Noah alleges she was discriminated against at her interview in March and wrongly turned down for a job she was capable of doing because of her headscarf.
Yesterday, she said: “The advertised job of junior assistant stylist was perfect for me. I did NVQs in hairdressing at college and have 18 months experience at a salon in Ealing Broadway.
“On the phone, Sarah sounded very keen on me because of my experience and qualifications. I sent her my CV and she invited me in a few days later for a trial day.
“But when I got there, she looked at me in shock. She started making excuses about wanting someone who lived locally but I knew it was my headscarf.
“She said, ‘You really should have told me that you wear a headscarf’. She asked if I wore it all the time and I said, ‘Yes’. She asked if I would take it off for work and I said, ‘No’.
“Wearing a headscarf is very important in my religion and is non-negotiable. It is about showing your modest side.”
Miss Noah added: “I am Britishborn and I know the urban, funky look. Just because I wear a headscarf does not mean I do not follow the latest trends and fashions.
“Afterwards, I felt so devastated and depressed. It has always been my ambition to be a hairdresser but I have given up now after being rejected 25 times.
“It is always because of my headscarf, whether they say it or not.
“I just thought that Sarah should not be allowed to get away with it and that if I don’t stand up for myself, no one else will.”
The case will be heard at the Central London Employment Tribunal in January.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Ask this sue happy immigrant how many christians wearing crosses would get jobs in her home country. I wonder why she chose her and not the 24 others that rejected her? Maybe after so many rejections someone gave her the idea to sue next time. hmmmmm Just wondering.
If you run a hair salon you should certainly have every right to require that your employees display the quality of work that can be expected there. If someone chooses to cover her head she should not expect to work in any “beauty” salon that does not cater to head-coverings.
I thought she blew the interview because she wore an orange jumpsuit and black ski mask! Now that’s the chique / sheik Islamo 2007 look, eh?
Lets hope this case gets thrown out asap, an this radical moslem has to pay costs.
Their religious beliefs are non-negotionable, but our culture is negotionable. They want all non muslims to accomodate to their screwball rules. What is really bad, especially in Britain, is that the government leadership is catering to these excessive demands from the muzzies in the name of diversity.
WTF? She gets turned down 25 times and sues the last one? She’s only after one thing-money.
Here we have jobs that require certain things–like knowledge of tools to work as a mechanic, etc.
She wasn’t turned down because of her religion, but maybe she doesn’t have the qualifications.
Did she ever stop to think about that?
Darth, hahaha
She sure is looking hard for a place to sue. sheesh amazing.
She’s “british born” she says – then she wants to behave like it (when in Rome etc) – I’m a brit and totally pissed off at all these minorities attempting to impose their own cultures on the rest of us…rub along with us and you’ll do fine, do the other thing and I’m afraid the mouse will (eventually) turn…