Many active duty military are praising Fred Thompson, as the conservative leader they want as the next Commander in Chief.
Vets 4 Fred website
Typical of these comments is this one from a soldier in Ohio:
“As a soldier, I know there is some pressure to not get involved in anything political, but as a current member of the finest Army to have ever existed, and a Combat Veteran of the crucial Iraq campaign, I feel it is my duty as a patriotic American to see a good conservative succeed our current commander and chief. Every Soldier wants a leader that they can proudly stand at attention and snap a salute to their President and with pride pay respects to a man of honor. This has become a very wishful desire given the current candidates that have chosen to run for president. I know with Fred that we will have that man of honor to look to for direction and leadership, and he has my 100% support. I don’t want a president that I can “tolerate”… and I surely don’t want a president that makes me nauseous to salute. Fred Thompson is the right man for the job… and I already get plenty of questions from curious people who respect my opinion when they see my FRED08 bumper sticker! I am excited to have a candidate that I believe in so much. In 2008, Fred will have my vote in the Primary… and in November of 2008, Fred will have my vote for President. Go Get’em Sir!” A soldier from Columbus, OH “
Fred isn’t ‘scripted’ and is a real statesman!
His wife is adoreable and he has a lot of knowledge and character. He’d be a great president…. LAW AND ORDER – period!
I’m leaning waaay over to Fred..always liked him.
The “Quiet Giant”!!!! Another man of his word!!! He is definitely a True American!!! I have respected this man for years and know he would make a great preseident.
Thanks Troopers! Cousin Freddy is the MAN for the job!
He won’t let you down for any reason.
It’s good to know you see that.
It’s also great to know he’s well respected.
He’s got my family’s votes (3 from here in Nebraska)
Darth I think he would be good too. I love his Bear like appeal too.hahha
Patrick, yes, he is a good man, I have always respected him.
John, me too, I cried the day he held a press conference that he was going to have to stop the investigation into the Clinton’s Chinagate I think it was. I just sat there crying, I was so disappointed but I also felt so badly for him, he had worked so hard on it. And I could tell in his voice and what he said he was not happy about having to stop the investigation too.
Lynn oh yes he is a good man for sure.