Hillary is for giving driver’s licences to illegal aliens and this is Fred Thompson’s response.
Click below to see video it is not a long one but I love the way Thompson does his video’s. I do like the way he isn’t a wind bag like Joe Biden and he just gets right to the point.
The media and the talking heads want to control the process by setting a frenetic and chaotic pace and make the candidates dance to the MSM’s tune. Fred seems to totally reject this.
No G.I. Joe Biden’s alma mater – the University of Delaware – just discontinued it’s freshman year course stating that all white people are racists! Imagine that Senator Biden… from the Socialvik Scrapple State of Duhawhere!
Yes, Thompson does his videos well. They are to the point. I still don’t know enough about him to completely leap on his bandwagon, but among the four frontrunners he is my choice by a bunch.
I would love to know who Thompson’s choices would be for a running mate and Cabinet apointees.
Cousin Freddy is who he is–plain and to the point.
He’s the guy on the block you can have over for a BBQ and just shoot the shit with.
That’s why I like him so much.
I like the “everyday Joe,” who’s a real man and not
afraid to admit who he is and tell me exactly what he’s doing and why.
I’m smiling, the truth has been spoken. No specious words, but the refreshing matter of fact, ‘she’ lying again’ exposure.
Darth oh my gosh they did that? wow.
Tom, I agree, I would love if all of them had to say who they would pick as their running mate if they won. That can make a difference.
Lynn that is just how it feels when I watch these videos.
Jack, hahaha I agree, he just says it. None of that beat around the bush stuff, and legal beagle baloney.