Campaign flyer offends Muslim community
There is a new debate in Monroe County related to Governor Spitzer’s plan to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. The debate has worked its way into the county legislature races. It has to do with a campaign mailing sent out by the Republican Party.
It is not so much what it says but what it shows that has members of the Islamic community upset. The flyer suggests that county legislature democrats want to license potential terrorists and the literature contains images intended to depict terrorists.
“Seeing these things are very wrong for me to see it in that way it means someone is profiling me that I’m a terrorist,” said Dr. Muhammad Shafiq.
Dr. Shafiq is the Imam at the Islamic Center on Westfall Road in Rochester. He says the images are offensive to Muslims and believes the Republican Party is using fear tactics to persuade voters.
“Especially as a Muslim, it looks very very wrong the way they portrayed the pictures as linking Arabs and terrorism, equalizing them to terrorism, is racial profiling,” said Dr. Shafiq.
County clerk Cheryl Dinolfo disagrees.
“I really do take issue with that way of thinking because, again, that piece is about not one particular nationality,” said Dinolfo.
Dinolfo says licensing illegal immigrants could jeopardize the security of the entire nation. She uses 9/11 as an example.
“The fact remains that there were terrorists who came into this country and harmed our country using licenses to do so,” said Dinolfo.
County Democrats say the Republicans are attacking them on the licensing issue that the county legislature has virtually no control over. Democrats accuse Republicans of using the topic to try and hold onto control of the county legislature.
“Frankly putting someone on the face of campaign literature with an Uzi in his hand and accusing Democrats of aiding and abetting terrorists is about the terrorists is the lowest form of discourse or communication I’ve ever seen in this community,” said Monroe County Democratic Chair, Assemblyman Joe Morelle.
Dr. Shafiq is calling on County Republicans to denounce the mailing. But Thursday night, the county clerk offered no apologies.
Dinolfo is not up for reelection next Tuesday. Nine county legislature seats are being contested. Republicans currently control the Monroe County legislature 17-12.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Ah the Muslims are outraged again. What else is new? Ask me if I care? NOT! Muslims are always angry about something, so we can discount that. On the broader point, issuing licenses to illegals does indeed compromise our security. Drivers’ licenses are used as de facto ID cards in our country. Those—Hillary, Obama, Edwards—who would issue these cards to illegals put pandering to foreign lawbreakers before the security of our people. No doubt about it.
Most of the 9/11 terrorists had American drivers licenses. Some of them, sad to say, had licenses from my sorry, leaky DMV state, North Carolina. Also, eight of them were registered to vote. Last but not least, ALL of them were Muslims.
Any Muslims who object to “profiling” can stick it up their … turbans.
I say ignore the complainers and continue to use the offensive images and you will win. Cower and remove them and you lose because you show that even if you are against the practice, you have no strength, will, or cojones to see it through and if you will cave to the enemy on a complaint how will you accomplish anything at all?
How come infidels can’t receive Saudi Driver’s Licenses in Alibabbaville, or bring Holy Bibles into crew rest with them? – Ayatolla Assahola 2007 and Spitzer Sucks 2007!
Xin Loi(tough shit) Dr Shafiq! Muslims are terrorists or terror supporters
I also like the fact that the Dems are upset.
American rights and privileges should never be extended to illegals from anywhere.
So what if they’re offended? Don’t they think what they’re doing offends me?
This is Amercan, love her or leave her, but we have something called “Freedom of Speech” here and I’m not about to let some illegal tell me what I can and can’t say.
So screw you if you don’t like us, you can just go away and leave us Americans alone. We don’t need you anyway. Hey, getting rid of the illegals would cut down on our carbon footprints and make Al Gore very happy, wouldn’t it?
I heard a preacher once say that if you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the dog that yells is the one who got hit.
I didn’t see where this flyer mentioned Muslims or Arabs. It seems the Republicans of NY threw a rock and the dog that got hit is yelling.
Concerning giving illegals licenses in NY. Once a person has a drivers license, their’s nothing to prevent him/her from voting. NY State drivers license is the main ID requirement for voter registration in NY. If you have a license, no other ID is necessary.
Funny, you can get a drivers license with out speaking a word of English or having the ability to read English signs. The result is what is going on in my wife’s hometown (mine). yet the media doesn’t say one word about the fact that these are Mexicans, mostly illegals. Then there is the drug sweep in a nearby ‘town’ where they named a few. But the Governor and all the mayors provide sanctuary for them here. Oh how I yearn for a resolve like Oklahoma has and a Sheriff like Arizona’s Joe Arpaio.
They get that drivers license and they participate in the biggest ripoff in the nation, the taking of local jobs, ruining the economy and sending undocumented amounts of U.S. currency into Mexico, all the while using public services and welfare. During the off season they draw state unemployment, the food stamps, government subsidized medicine and education for their illegal or anchor babies, and they do vote. They have taken over the system in the small towns. The good thing at this point is that they are not ragheads, but the system works the same way for them, look at Kieth Ellison, Barak Obama and Dearborn, MI. As long as we pander to the Ragheads ability to be offended they’ll take the nation away from us, without a whimper from most of the deadheads out there.
These blue state pukes had the nerve to give me an arab doctor at the VA after ten years …I switched to another VA Clinic 105 miles away. Guess what? Others followed the Darthmeister and this dirt bag no longer sees vet patients. Proud of not being PC! – Ayatollah Assahola 2007
Darth cause they don’t really like us. waaaa LOL
We couldn’t be disliked by a better bunch. heh heh
I agree! “Ayatolla Assahola 2007 and Spitzer Sucks 2007!”
Tom, good one, I agree.
Lynn, love how you put it.
Bob, I like the comparison good one. Thanks too for the link.
It is so crazy to even suggest a license for illegals. Totally nuts.
Jack that is so true, and without a wimper and that is just what is happening. Like you said about your wife’s hometown.
Darth wow that is great what you did and for others to see how right you were and follow was fantastic too. I like that, it is a way of saying no way and it made a difference.