Beer after workout better than water
The Times of India
LONDON: When you reach for an ice cold mug of suds after playing a game of football, cricket or a long run, you’re not just quenching your thirst, you’re actually doing something healthy for your body — seriously!
Researchers in Europe have carried out a study and found that a glass of beer is far better at re-hydrating the body after exercise than water as the sugars, salts and bubbles in a pint help people absorb fluids more quickly.
“The carbon dioxide in beer helps quench the thirst more quickly, while beer’s carbohydrates replace calories lost during physical exertion,” the ‘Daily Mail’ reported on Friday, quoting lead researcher Prof Manuel Garzon as saying.
In fact, the researchers at the Granada University in Spain came to the conclusion after examining 25 students who were told to do strenuous exercise in temperatures of around 40C until they were close to getting exhausted.
Half of the students were given a pint of beer to drink, while the others received the same volume of water after the workout. Subsequently, the team measured their hydration levels, motor skills and concentrationability.
Prof Garzon said the re-hydration effect in the students who were given beer was “slightly better” than among those given only water. Based on the studies, the researchers have recommended moderate consumption of beer — 500 ml a day for men or 250 ml for women — as part of an athlete’s diet.
It may be mentioned that past studies have revealed that sensible drinking of one or two units of beer a day could help reduce the risk of heart disease, dementia, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I didn’t know which Beer you all would all like me to serve. hahahaha Hope this one is OK.
For some reason no matter which beer I have sampled I just don’t like the taste of beer. So I will have to stick with water after my workout I guess. Or maybe a nice Frappiccino.
As long as it’s not miller low life. The beer that sponsored the folsom street fair in san fransicko where some of the most disgusting things imaginable went on. miller low life is forever off my shopping list.
At Spang the locals packed the Gasthaus for lunch, dinner and foosball games… Bitte ein bier … and they were in their 90’s… and smoked, big time. After a few beers… gas houses were tolerated by high powered ceiling fans. PROST WT!
Beer is a heavy drink to me. I can’t drink it.
I’ll stick to water or gatorade.
I would think that with your body defenses down working on building you back up after a heavy workout, you’d get drunk quicker.
And why is it always European studies?
Beer After Workout Better Than Water
Heck I’ve studied the phenomenon most of my life, some times quite heavily, two things are a turn off for me, stale beer or warm beer. Hydration was never a problem but then again you’re too busy to worry about water retention.:) I don’t drink much anymore but what I do is go for is the good stuff, San Miguel, Heineken and Grolsh. Local brews I’ll purchase are Lowenbrauw, Michelobe or Steel Reserve 211. I quit Falstaff way back when they had steel cans with soldered seams and green stuff corroding the inside of the can. There are a few breweries that are just and bad beer drinkers know who they are. Too bad Miller and Coors have merged.I only have a brew occasionally now due to medical constraints, it all hurts me nowadays. On the opposite side Pinch or Crown on the rocks or straight up are my choices. A good brew beats the heck out of Kool-aid and Sloe Gin anytime, ugh!!!.
Dan thanks, I know so little about Beer. Nick has one sometimes, I don’t even know what he likes because he usually just orders it in a resturant.
Darth giggle. hahaahhaa
Lynn,oh my gosh you are so right, you know what it does seem like it is always a European study doesn’t it. haha
Jack thank you, I really have tried to like beer. I have had it ice cold, added salt to the top ( someone told me to try that. lol), with Pizza, and all flavors of beer. But I guess it just isn’t my thing.
I like wine, and some mixed drinks but otherwise, tons of coffee, tons more of water I love water and iced coffee drinks haha