New Congress at war over everything
In a closed-door meeting before the last vote on the children’s health care bill, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer appealed for the support of about 30 wavering Republican lawmakers. What he got instead was a tongue-lashing, participants said.
The GOP lawmakers, all of whom had expressed interest in a bipartisan deal on the SCHIP legislation, were furious that the Democratic leader from Maryland had not reached out to them in a more serious way early on. They also criticized him and Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois for failing to stop his allies outside Congress from running attack ads in their districts, while they were discussing a bipartisan deal.
The result was a predictable one for this bitterly divided Congress. The House vote for a second SCHIP bill was a healthy majority, but not the two-thirds needed to override another veto vowed by President Bush. Only one Republican switched his vote — to oppose the measure.
Democrats accused Republicans of hurting kids. Republicans howled about a heavy-handed, uncompromising Democratic majority. And another chance at bipartisan consensus slipped away.
“They spent $1.5 million through their various shill outreach groups attacking me and a handful of my colleagues,” Rep. Ric Keller (R-Fla.) said before the Hoyer meeting, “but they did not spend five minutes to approach me to ask for my vote.”
This us-against-them mentality has been an ongoing storyline of the new Democratic-controlled Congress. On the big items — Iraq, health care and spending — party leaders have shunned compromise.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
For the Demorats, bipartisan consensus means “My way or the highway.” Even if you do it their way, you still get bashed. I doubt if the Republican leadership have learned their lesson yet, but it looks as if a few rank-and-file congressman have. Thanks heavens for small favors.
I don’t know what they serve for drinks in the Dems Clubhouse, but it seems to have an adverse effect on their little minds. (and I think too many Reps have been visiting there too often) I know politics in the past have been down and dirty, but back then all the people had were newspapers. So one could get away with lying and cheating much easier. Today, what with the internet, bloggers and 24/7 news, not so easy. (Bloggers take screen shots and post videos on YouTube ~ heh) You would think they would realize that lying and cheating and disgraceful behavior is going to be found out and go viral. But then they do live in this Bubble of the Elite. They really still think they are untouchable. I see changes a’comin in the next few years ~ good changes. Especially when the troops come home and some go into public office. They remember who stood up for them and who didn’t.
Oh man, those Libs are sca…sca…scary!
(And ugly too!)
New Congress At War Over Everything
All this from the hardest working, most ethical congress in history? Isn’t that what the Democrats said they were going to be?
Tese Dems are as nasty as a street gang in a drug zone. Their leadership act and rule like Mugabe in Zimbabwe. In their grab for absolute power, and with the Internet, these Democrat dictators are finding fewer and fewer closed doors to work behind. If just enough Americans are paying attention, we may be able to make the Democrat Party the minority party again.
“Democrat dictators”
“we may be able to make the Democrat Party the minority party again.”
The GOP could have as solid a concensus as the Dems if they’d boot the RINO’s. Mel Martinez stepped down but not out from the RNC when their ram rod amnesty push failed. With their help the Dems have obstructed the GOP for 7 years, I fear the Republic is lost. I hope the people are waking up to what they are losing.
Yankeemom, that is awesome, I know what you mean. The troops know how we feel and that we have supported them. That would be great for many of them to run for office.
Patrick, LOL thanks and I didn’t even have to ugly them up, heh heh those are all real photos of them.
Bob your right that is exactly what they said they would be. hahahahaha
Tom that would be so wonderful, and maybe if we get the majority again we could have less or no rinos’ and then our side would do better.
James dems are dictators and it would be great if the dems were the minority again.
Jack, yes I was glad Mel Martinez stepped down, now I want him out completly.
If there’s a sinking SCHIP or LIMO… a KENNEDY is on board! HAPPY ALL SAINTS DAY & ALL SOULS DAY!! Joshua 1:9 and Luke 1:37 and John 15:13
Saw WaxMan on Fox the other night. Thank g-d that my Naval Career allows me objectivity. Henry, please put a sock in it and go fishing or sit in a rocking chair.