Suicide bomber detonates upon discovery by CLCs (Muqdadiya)
Acting on a tip from a local citizen, a group of Concerned Local Citizens located a suicide bomber, who detonated himself upon discovery in Muqdadiya Oct. 26.
The suicide bomber, who was believed to be targeting a populated area, detonated as soon as the CLC group entered the house he was located in, causing it to collapse. The collapse wounded one CLC and a suspected extremist who was in the house with the suicide bomber.
“Today’s discovery is a sure sign the population continues to grow tired of al- Qaeda’s barbaric acts,” said Col. David W. Sutherland, commander of Coalition Forces in Diyala province.
“The local citizens and CLCs are both playing active roles in securing their areas and neighborhoods across Diyala – an important sign that they realize they must be the definers of their own democracy.”
“Because of the actions by the CLCs, many lives were saved,” Sutherland continued. “This is not the first time the CLCs have saved lives in their neighborhoods.
They truly are patriots serving to protect their families, tribes and neighbors.”
The wounded were transferred to a Coalition Forces’ medical facility for treatment.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Nice try, sucker. The only thing this clown succeeded in doing was blowing up his own house. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid , John Murtha and the rest of their ilk will now be in mourning.
Too bad we don’t have a video. Shucks-a-rooney.
I love it! I think all these suicide bombers should have a real practice run at home first, heh, heh.
I am really glad a bunch of Iraqi citizens went after this yokel.
I just love it when that happens, some heavy RF scanning might assist in producing similar results.
Imagine Mo polishing his IED for the night’s mission and the detonator being ‘tickled’ by the right frequency, it would light up just like that 105 round when electrically fired.
The best part was his neighbors going after him.
Steve, heh heh yep a video would have been great.
Tom, hahahaha love that idea….”real practice run at home first”.
Jack yes wasn’t that great. The good neighbor policy. hahahaha