Woodstock Museum Funding Nixed
$1 Million Earmark Removed From Health Bill
Plans for $1 million in federal funding for a museum to honor the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival struck a sour note with critics Thursday.
It ended badly, with critics successfully striking down the plan for federal tax money to be spent on the museum.
The plan began as an earmark in the federal health and education spending bill.
Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Chuck Schumer, both of New York, supported the earmark.
Critics, though, targeted the plan after it gained some national exposure.
“The Woodstock museum is a shining example of what’s wrong with Washington on pork-barrel, out-of-control spending,” said John McCain, Arizona senator and presidential hopeful.
“The earmark pork-barrel spending has made the American people disenchanted and angry,” McCain said.
Sens. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz, and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., moved Thursday to strip the Woodstock earmark from the health and education bill.
They won a key 52-42 vote and the earmark was dropped.
Ohio’s two senators were split on the issue, according to The Associated Press.
Sen. George Voinovich voted to kill the earmark. Sen. Sherrod Brown voted to keep it.
In a written statement, Coburn said the health and education bill should fund just that, health and education.
“I’m pleased my colleagues took a bold stand today in defense of common sense and rejected the self-interested parochial politics that have disillusioned millions of Americans. Maybe this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius for taxpayers,” Coburn said.
The Woodstock museum is due to open next year in the upstate New York town of Bethel.
Supporters of the earmark said the federal funding would spur economic development and tourism.
Critics called it a hippie museum and a taxpayer-funded LSD flashback.
Look at the rest of this information from………
USA Today
WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Thursday to kill a $1 million grant for a museum on the site of the 1969 Woodstock concert, a rare rebuke of a legislative pet project and a blow to the presidential candidate who backed it, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Clinton and her New York colleague, Sen. Charles Schumer, had the funding inserted into the $604 billion education and health spending bill. The Woodstock project’s main backer, Alan Gerry, is a registered Republican who recently became a major contributor to the Schumer-led Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Nine days after the “earmark” was placed in the bill in June, Gerry and his wife contributed the maximum of $9,200 to Clinton’s primary and general election campaign funds. The Gerry family contributed an additional $20,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, USA TODAY reported Wednesday.
Two Republican senators, Oklahoma’s Tom Coburn and Arizona’s Jon Kyl, offered an amendment Thursday seeking to redirect the money to a maternal health care program. In a time of mounting deficits, they argued, senators shouldn’t be steering money to a museum that has wealthy private supporters.
“How can we, with a straight face, argue to (the public) that we’re not wasting their hard-earned money,” Kyl said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank God there were some politicans that have common sense to stop this freaking idiotic tribute to a low life hippies, acid freaks and haters of our fine military. I have zero tolerance for hippies and as far as I am concerned they are a total waste of good air…..then and now.
Is it true that all living Woodstockpecker alumni
can star in Harry Potter, Zombie, Lord of the Rings and Planet of the Apes VIII movies… without costumes or make-up? Mud Pit Up 2007 & Praise the Lord and pass the air freshener and deodorant spray 2007!
PS: This looks like Lord Antagonist’s Homecoming date at Legaspi PI High? Or the next mayor of San Fran Sicko perhaps? – The Sword in/IS Stoned 2007
Woodstock Museum Funding Nixed
It will never happen, but it would be nice if all earmarks(pork barrel spending) were only introduced as stand alone bills, not included as riders of some unrelated, major bill. Line-item vetoing b y the president would also help, as would the introdution of term limits.
Ah, one can wish for the impossible, can’t he!!
Gez! What a bunch of tax and spend hippies!
Darth……..”Praise the Lord and pass the air freshener and deodorant spray 2007!”………how very true that is. I will never forget the hippies of the past how they smelled, were filthy and drove those awful flower painted vans.
Darth…”Lord Antagonist’s Homecoming date”…..LMAO
Tom, I would love that, if only they would have to do it that way. Then no secrets, no hidden agenda’s of money to something only a few know about, the list goes on and on how good that would be what you suggested.
patrickdaniel,you are so right, they sure are. And with our money, so freely spent on so many things we seldom even know about.
After the one of my Marine stints, I earned $$ for college by taking pictures of attendees at war protest rallies.
I think I urinated on this guy, thinking it was a pile of trash. I believe his name was “Joe Shit, the Rag Man”.