What Would You Ask the GOP Presidential Candidates?
Fox News
“FOX News wants to know what you would ask the Republican presidential candidates when they debate in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday, Oct. 21.
Please e-mail your question to debate@foxnews.com
Include your name, town, state and contact number for verification.
Please keep your question sharp, brief and to the point. And let us know which candidate you’d like us to ask.
Watch the debate live on FOX News Channel at 8 p.m. ET on Oct. 21 to see if your question was selected.”
Well here are some questions if the debate Sunday night was the Democrats debating:
Senator Clinton, have you ever spoken personally with Juanita Broderick?
Dennis Kucinich, how do you make those delicious Keebler fudge cookies?
Paper or plastic?
To Hillary . . . . boxers or briefs ? heh heh
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party?
Just sent this out to FOX: “How come 99% of the politicians and president have broken their oath’s to swear to protect the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic…so help me God… in reference to US BORDER SECURITY in a post 9-11 world?
– The Death Star II !
Fox Wants To Know What You’d Ask GOP Presidential Candidates.
I asked Rudy why so many Repubs REALLY support illegal alien amnesty. If the question is asked I expect a purely bullsh-t answer.
I also wanted to ask why so many Repubs are RINOs.
I sent this in for Rudy:
Can you explain why my Republican Party has moved so far to the left causing us to be a party represented more by rinos then conservatives? And why are you running as a Republcian instead of a Democrat?
And this one I sent for Duncan Hunter:
How can we get people and the media to admit that the true conservative, that has consistently voted conservative, you sir, is the best for America and it’s future when they keep lying and saying no conservsative is running?
Darth and Tom, good questions.
PS WT: I apologize for turning down a Chicago Bears ticket today… gotta sleep! Ever hear of Patriot Mark Levin’s nickname for the GOP? ‘Repubics’! That’s a hairy subject… like GOPhers! http://www.MarkLevinShow.com