Tonight the phone rang, we never answer it after 20:00. That is our time to be together in the evening, from 20:00 till 23:00 when I come back on the computer to do posts for the following day. Usually I am up doing this till 2, 3 or 5 in the morning. Our friends and family know this so there has never been a problem.
The phone rang at 19:55, so I answered it.
No Name: Hello may I speak with Christine
Chrissie: Yes this is she
No Name: I am calling from the Republican National Committee and would like to know how much you could …..
Chrissie: Wait, are you asking me to donate to the RNC? I notified them last year I will not be donating anymore, I will still vote Republican but no more donations.
No Name: Goodbye
Chrissie : Don’t you want to know why? I mean it seems to me you should want to know the reason and make a note of it so we can take our party back from the rinos’s in office and some of the rino’s running for office. Am I not correct on this?
No Name: goodbye
dead phone line on other end………sound of silence………….
hahahaha I am laughing because it is so obvious that all they want is money, money to keep making the same mistakes they have been making that has caused my party to become loaded with rino’s.
Sitting here thinking about it I am also angry, but I know nothing I say or do is going to change it. After my sending and making hundreds of emails, faxes, and phone calls over the years, cheering on the good guys, and ranting at the bad ones, it comes down to a very scary 2008 coming up if we want America to survive as we know it.
I am a warrior, I can’t help it, I will fight for my country as best I can with 100% effort till I take my last breath. I have traveled the world more then once and I know first hand we have the best country there is and I am still proud of her for so many reasons. But right now she is needing us, we the people, to keep her strong.
Pray for America and for our troops.
10-4 WT and before the 2006 elections, the GOPhers called me as well. I said the GOP has the Oval Office, the Senate and the House, and at that time over 50% of the state governorships… and you still can’t bomb the shiite out of Islamofascist nations and sympathizers, nor get confidence and faith reinstalled in your 2000 and 2004 pro-Bush #43 voters. He replied, “Have a nice day sir!”
WT: “I am a warrior,…I will fight for my country as best I can with 100% effort till I take my last breath…”
Indeed, you are a Warrior. It is my Honor to know you. Your last paragraph is a KEEPER.
“Some Warriors look fierce, but are mild. Some seem timid, but are vicious. Look beyond appearances; position yourself for the advantage. – Deng Ming-Dao
nce you said “no donation”, all he said was goodbye? No thank you for your time; thank you for your efforts in the past; just “goodbye”. I’m sorry, but that’s rude. One of the reasons I no longer donate and haven’t renewed my membership.
The RNC has not represented me for years. I will always remember their snubbing of Ronald Reagan, who truely did represent Conservatives. The RNC is a clique whose preimary goal is raising money for their own office expenses.
Darth, hahaha good one.
Steve (Red Dawn Guerrilla), thank you for the quote. And thank you for being here.
Bob yes isn’t that something. I mean she was totally rude, not even a breath taken before she was going to just hang up on me. haha
Tom your so right, I sure had to learn this. I wish I had known this before. sigh OH well I only need one lesson and I never forget.