
President George W Bush today warned that world leaders risk helping bring about “World War Three” unless they do more to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons.
Telegraph Co.UK
In remarks timed to coincide with Russian president Vladimir Putin’s visit to Teheran, Mr Bush said the Islamic republic must remain isolated until it drops its nuclear ambitions.
“We’ve got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel,” Mr Bush told a White House press conference.
“So I’ve told people that, if you’re interested in avoiding World War Three, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”
Mr Bush’s pointed statement follows the warm words exchanged by Mr Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, at an historic summit in Teheran this week.
After their meeting Mr Putin repeated Moscow’s line that there is no evidence to suggest Iran wants to build a nuclear bomb, and pledged to continue helping the country develop its civil nuclear technology.
As the first Kremlin leader to visit Iran since Josef Stalin in 1943, he also secured the vital backing of Azerbaijan in a five-nation pact by the Caspian states to prevent the US from using the region as a staging ground for military action against Iran.
Mr Bush added today that he had no doubts that Russia appreciated the dangers of a nuclear Iran.
But he said that he wished to speak to Mr Putin about his meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme Iranian leader, during which he is said to have suggested a new proposal to end the nuclear stand-off.
“I’m looking forward to getting President Putin’s read-out from the meeting,” Mr Bush said.
“The thing I’m interested in is whether or not he continues to harbor the same concerns that I do.
“I will continue to work with Russia as well as other nations to keep a focused effort on sending Iran a message that you will remain isolated if you continue your nuclear weapons ambitions.”
Although Russia lent its reluctant backing to two United Nations resolutions imposing sanctions on Iran, it has been stridently opposed to escalating the penalties after Teheran refused to stop its uranium enrichment programme.
Among Western diplomats, opinion is divided as to whether Russia — which has little to gain from a nuclear Iran — will eventually acquiesce.
Emboldened by its vast energy resources and desperate to reclaim its status as a global power, Russia could also stand to gain by seeing the United States dragged into a new, controversial and potentially debilitating Middle East conflict.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Repeat after me, Russia is not our friend, Russia is not our friend.
Bush Warns Putin Over ‘World War Three’
PS WT: Putin + Stalin + Hitler + Kruschev + Hirohito + Assad + Ahmadinejad + Polpot + Vlad Impaler + the DNC = EVIL! Russia and Soviets are one in the same. Once KGB always KGB. Islam and Eurabian Union and the Europeon Union majority don’t worship God anymore. Send this to ‘W’!
Of course they aren’t.
They have their hands in Iran’s pockets.
They want the cold war back.
They want us to be scared to death of them.
I’m not scared of old Puddin’ Pants.
How could anyone be scared of someone with
a name like that? Puddin’ pants.
They lost in Afghanistan…Big Time. What makes them think they could defect us.
Love, Steve (Red Dawn Guerrilla)
Putin longs for the glory days of the Soviet Union. I believe he’s trying to bring them back and with infusing capitalism with communism, he just may.
Never trusted Russia!
Hah!, funny looking Putin with hair!
on the contrary, You lost in Vietnam SUPER BIG TIME. and who’s forces are occupying Afghanistan today? NATO, of course its always wise to pass the responsibility to third parties to save yourself from humiliation over the growing instability in the region, you cant even handle a smaller iraq. And the Fact that Russia can wipe you out the map is a Big shame on you! The collapse of your country is Inevitable! and the entire world will celebrate your demise.
-LordAntagonist (United Anti-American Coalition)
“Kill an American today, save lives tomorrow.”
Putin will just drive Russia further backward. Russia is surrounded by muslim nations and their memories are long. They won’t forget Russia’s iron fisted tactics of the past.
I would say to Putin, “Stingers to Chechnya if you don’t get out of Iran.”
nice idea TomR. it shows how your Hypocrisy is thicker than your skull! First you hated muslims, now you want to side with them against the Russians. that was absolutely hilarious! its either your retarded or just plain stupid. or perhaps both!
long memories you say, well your support for Israel and your ongoing occupation of their land and slaughter of their people weights a million times than the Russians. So you can just die.
I say Nukes for Al Qaida if you dont stop your interference over Russia’s domestic affairs. or maybe you could just destroy each other. that would be better.
-LordAntagonist (United Anti-American Coalition)
“Kill an American today, save lives tomorrow.”
You’re pre approved now Wild Thing…thanks for stopping in! I look forwards to checking you out from time to time.
Take care…or should I say…Have a Wild time!
I agree with TomR
Russia has never been ‘friend’ to anyone. The Russian leadership mentality is not far removed from feudalism and of course the general population went from serfs under the feudal system to communism and the after the USSR fell into a gangster run democracy. The public has no social memory of what it means to be free and they have always had someone to not only sorta kinda take care of them but also tell them what to do. Putin is filling that role for them very well. And, as long as he can make headlines by rattling the saber he can stay in power..but I also figure that he knows just how far he can push and when to back off.
The Russians have their own problems with militant Islam and I suspect that the Russian deal with Iran is an attempt to solve some of the problems. I also don’t figure that Putin will allow Iran to develop a nuke..just not in the Russians best interest.
No lardass, we did not lose in Vietnam and if you had half a brain you would know that. We did not blame any defeat in Vietnam on anyone else or any third party because we were not defeated … in Vietnam.
We never lost a single major battle in Vietnam, Hue which was supposed to be a huge loss for the Americans was not it turned out to be a huge victory for the Americans. The Anti-American media predicted our Dien Bien Phu at Khe Sanh but then again it wasn’t the French this time is was the United States Marines and their colors don’t run. Hence another defeat for Ho and his fellow travellers in Vietnam and here in the States.
Now thats where punks like you come in, you have no guts just stand by and spew your anti-American garbage from your anonymous pearch and then run and hide like the cowards you really are.
Maybe some day you will learn but I doubt it, it won’t be until Some soldier puts a boot up your ass and kicks you stupid ‘commie-ass’ all the way back to the soviet union where you really belong.
Oh one last thing stop trying to re-write history in your own perverted left-wing image, it just doesn’ scowl.
Just curious as to where LordAntagonist is from!? His panties are really in a knot!!!!!
ip for LordAntagonist is
Legaspi, Philippines
Vladimir Putin’s visit to Iran falls into the category of “If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.” KGB Putin is part of the problem.
According to the Democrats, President Bush has it all wrong in his treatment of Iran. A President Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton will meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinanutjob and use diplomacy and negotiations so that we will all live in peace together. After that success, I suppose that they will meet and talk with all the criminals in our prisons and negotiate a crime-free United States.
I see you’ve got another product of inferior breeding making comments. This fool is suggesting killing Americans? Come on over buddy, you don’t need to worry about our military as you’ll be met the the most heavy armed civilian populace in the world.
Darth,yes Russia will be very sorry one day when all the muslims they have there start pulling what they are doing here and probably more attacks.
Lynn……” Puddin’ Pants”…..
LMAO I love it Lynn.
Steve, Red Dawn Guerrilla I love it.
Bob I agree, I think Putin would love to have it be the Soviet Union again.
Patrick Daniel, hahahaha yes I thought they kind of looked similar so I tried added some hair. hahaha
Tom, I agree if he wants Russia of the old days it certainly will not improve either. It is hurting now anyway.
Patrick thank you and I preapproved you too. I appreciate it, thank you.
GUYK, Yes think that is what Putin is thinking too. He knows he can’t trust Iran to do what they say even to him.
LordAntagonist you are a real piece of work.
And for sure not very bright. We did not lose the Vietnam war, no matter how many times you say it, it does not make it true.
Your such a typical moslem, wanting to kill Americans. NAKBA to you.
Mark, he sure is trying to rewrite history. hahaha I guess he can’t read so he makes it up as he goes along.
Les, good point and comparison.
Bob, lol that lord person is wasting a lot of his time hating Americans.
Stand Fast SSgt Steve… this ‘PI Lord of the Piss Ants’ is mine!
===============>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!!
The Vietnam War wasn’t lost by our grunts and fliers…it was sabotaged in Washington DC by BS ‘Rules of NON-Engagement’ and by the Hanoi Jane Fondas and liberal media elites. The VC finally crawled back to the Paris peace table after they witnessed our B-52 Arc Light strikes OVER Hanoi… Thanks President Nixon!
Death Star II is now dumping our latrines over Piss Ants house right now……