HIDDENITE, N.C. — Police are investigating an unusual robbery in Hiddenite.
Someone dressed in a burgundy burka walked into the People’s Bank at 3:45 p.m. Tuesday, showed the teller a handgun and demanded money.
The robber then took off down N.C. 90 in a burgundy sport utility vehicle.
Authorities are looking into whether this bank robbery can be connected to one in Morganton.
An androgynously dressed person held up a bank there last week.
Officers aren’t sure whether they’re looking for a man or a woman in either case.
Police also think there is a good chance the burka burglar is working with at least one other person, a getaway driver.
Wild Thing’s comment………
So what happens if and when they catch her/him. Does the bandit go to CAIR and complain of being treated badly? Crazier things have happened.
… this rules out any God fearing Evangelical Christian or Roman Catholic! Rules out the Amish as well!! If this happened in Saudi Arabia – stoning and or decapitation according to Sharia Law, eh? Is there an ACLU in Saudi Arabia WT?
– Omar Sharif 2007
PS: Hiddenite? Could of been a Shiite with dynamite? Right? Doubt an Israelite! Goodnight!!
I thought that robbery was punishable by death in Islam.
Must be someone trying to act like one and hide her true identity.
When someone wearing a Burka walks into your establishment, you have no way of knowing if they’re a customer or criminal. I would venter to say that were going to be hearing a lot more of criminals wearing Burka’s.
Through facial analysis, I feel this person is not an Arab. He/she is another dark skinned race.
He/she true Muslim would not steal from a bank (blow it up maybe, but not rob).
This is only the beginning. It makes a good disguise, and if you try to ban Burka Babes, the ACLU commies and Mooselimbs will come out of the closet.
Please see Burka Babes on:
Looks like one of Louis Farrakhan’s boys. Probably has a rap sheet longer than the hem line on the burka.
it’s an enemy uniform. shoot to kill the next time he/she/it tries to pull off another heist.
Darth, heh heh Omar Sharif 2007.
I met him one time a long time ago.
Lynn I bet your right, it could be anyone that got a burka. I hope we don’t start to see a lot of this, since a burka is a good way to hide ones body and face.
Bob I think your right, that very well could start to be seen more of with robbers etc.
Steve (Red Dawn Guerrilla) yikes those women look scary. hahaha
I agree, muslim law would not be ok with a muslim robbing a bank, killing yes but not robbery. It looks like another ethenic group.
Tom, the person does look like that.
His followers sure do have rap sheets like you said.
Gregor I agree, to me it is an enemy uniform. If I had a store like I used to I would not sell to anyone wearing a burka. Too many ways to hide a gun or rob the shop and put things under the burka.