Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to seek approval from parliament next week to launch attacks against Kurdish rebels in Iraq.
US Tries To Halt Turkey Attack
Diplomats fly to Ankara to stop military move against Iraqi Kurds after ‘genocide’ resolution
Senior US officials were engaged last night in last-ditch efforts to persuade Turkey not to launch a major military incursion into Iraqi Kurdistan to target armed separatists.
A team was diverted from a mission to Russia to make an unscheduled stop in Ankara yesterday. Against the background of the escalating diplomatic row between Turkey and the US over a congressional resolution that branded as ‘genocide’ massacres of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915, US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, revealed she had personally urged Turkey to refrain from any major military operation in northern Iraq.
The row between the two Nato allies comes against the dangerous background of a threat by the Turkish parliament to approve this week a ‘hot pursuit’ of the Kurdish separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party, the PKK, across the border into northern Iraq.
‘I urged restraint,’ said Rice, on a visit to Moscow, acknowledging ‘a difficult time’ between the two countries as she described her telephone conversations with Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul, its Prime Minister and foreign minister.
‘It’s a difficult time for the relationship,’ Rice said. ‘We just thought it was a very good idea for two senior officials to go and talk to the Turks and have reassurance to the Turks that we really value this relationship.’ Rice said that in her conversation with the Turks ‘they were dismayed’ by the congressional resolution. ‘The Turkish government, I think, is trying to react responsibly. They recognise how hard we worked to prevent that vote from taking place.’
About 60,000 Turkish troops are based near the northern Iraqi border. US military officials have said they believe they will get some warning if the Turks attack the PKK.
Rice’s phone conversations came as two senior US officials flew to Turkey yesterday to attempt to defuse tension that has seen the Turkish ambassador to Washington return home for consultations following the resolution, which Turks regard as deeply offensive.
And this……………………..
Premier Says Turkey Is Ready For Split With U.S. Over Kurds
Washington Post
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that he is prepared for a rupture in relations with the United States if his government launches an incursion into northern Iraq in search of Kurdish rebels.
“If such an option is chosen, whatever its price, it will be paid,” Erdogan said to reporters Friday after meeting with party leaders. “There could be pros and cons of such a decision, but what is important is our country’s interests.”
Erdogan criticized the United States for warning against a Turkish attack in one of the few relatively stable regions of war-ravaged Iraq.
“Did they seek permission from anyone when they came from a distance of 10,000 kilometers and hit Iraq?” Erdogan asked. “We do not need anyone else’s advice.”
“Democrats are harming the future of the United States and are encouraging anti-American sentiments,” Erdogan said Friday, referring to Democratic Party leaders who supported the measure.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Turkey is full of it.They took forever to decide to let us use their country when our troops went into Iraq. They said no for a long time and we needed them right away. It is a Muslim country and I honesly think they are using this as an excuse.
As far as what stupid Pelosi did she is vile and horrible and knew all along what would happen and that it would put our troops in even more danger and she could care less.
“Daddy… daddy… can the USAF fighter jets and B-52’s FINALLY see some action? Pleeeeease daddy? We wanna play!” – The infidel children of Dr. Strangelove B-52 and H2o Bodily Fluids 2007!
No you can’t get any action my infidel children
because if the Turkies attack there won’t be any Thanksgiving this November. If Turkey wins, no more stuffing nor cranberry dressing nor egg-nog either. We can’t tick off the Turkey nation or we’ll go hungry! – Swedish Chef Gobble Gobble Big Birdie
US Tries To Halt Turkey A Muslim Country From Attacking
Don’t worry, when the Dems get full control they’ll declare this and all wars a hate crime and they will have solved it for all of mankind, but we must start with those evil Americans and Jews first, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich will share the secretary of defense positions.[Worms without dirt :)]
When it comes to the muzzies it might be wise to apply the aphorisms of General William Sherman and General Phillip Sheridan to the problem and bring back a little carpet bombing. It very well could be that those Kurd incursions are agitated by Iran or even committed by Iranian Kurds and being wholly backed by Putin.
Maybe, I’m not awake yet, but when I look at the picture above…loose a little weight in the face…squint your eyes a little…and you’ve got Mr. Putin.
We should pull out of the MidEast and let sixteen centuries of sectarian strife explode. These muzzies will be very happy fighting amongst themselves. We cannot solve all their silly riddles.
America needs a strong leader that will absolutely work against the ignorant Congress to make us energy independent. And I don’t mean swapping carbon footprints. We need to take care of ourselves, and obtain so many tactical nukes that we can fire them in salvoes. We need OUT of the Middle East, but we need to support Israel all the way. We also need Middle Eastern muzzies out of the US. Get rid of muzzies and the UN.
It feels so good to dream!
Someone posts the name “Ron Paul” in a comment, and a bunch of google-abusing Paul-tards show up immediately.
Once he loses the primary, these idiots will go back to supporting Libertarians running for dog-catcher ….
As for Turkey … their cities make good hostages. F*ck with us and they can burn.
Thanks to the Dems’ insistence on the resolution recognizing the Armenian genocide, we have little chance of stopping the Turks from attacking the Kurds–not that we had much of a chance in the first place.
I do find it interesting that Turkey can, without impunity, try to impose its will on us (“Don’t pass that resolution!”), but the converse just doesn’t happen. Who respects whom? Certainly the Turks don’t respect us.
Darth, hahaha, now I will look at Turkey (the food kind) completely differently.
Jack I believe that, Putin is involved somehow, I don’t trust him at all.
Your so right too about the Dems declaring wars a hate crime. They sure don’t get anything about war and how we get peace. It sure isn’t delivered by a pizza man to the front door.
SSgt Steve, USMC , ok I just looked at it and squinted. You know he does, and add a mustache to Putin too.
Tom, it sure does, I do that a lot. I tell Nick I wish this or that would happen. Then I sit there, take a deep breath and he asks me. Do I feel better? haha Yep I do even for a little while. hahaha
Kristopher, yes I don’t put Ron Pauls name in my header of a post because then his sheep show up and they are nuts.
This is a non Ron Paul blog and will stay that way. lol
Always on Watch, your right, Turkey does not respect us at all. I worked with a Doctor from Turkey and it was horrible, the kind of job nightmares are about.