Bush: All religions pray to ‘same God’
‘That’s what I believe. I believe Islam is a great religion that preaches peace’
President George Bush has repeated his belief all religions, “whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God” – an assertion that caused outrage among evangelical leaders when he said it in November 2003.
Bush made the statement Friday in an interview with Al Arabiya reporter Elie Nakouzi.
Al Arabiya is Al Jazeerah’s top competitor in the Mideast.
As the president and Nakouzi walked from the Oval Office to the Map Room in the White House residence, Nazouki asked, “But I want to tell you – and I hope this doesn’t bother you at all – that in the Islamic world they think that President Bush is an enemy of Islam – that he wants to destroy their religion, what they believe in. Is that in any way true, Mr. President?”
“No, it’s not,” said Bush. “I’ve heard that, and it just shows [sic] to show a couple of things: One, that the radicals have done a good job of propagandizing. In other words, they’ve spread the word that this really isn’t peaceful people versus radical people or terrorists, this is really about the America not liking Islam.
“Well, first of all, I believe in an Almighty God, and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. That’s what I believe. I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace. And I believe people who murder the innocent to achieve political objectives aren’t religious people, whether they be a Christian who does that – we had a person blow up our – blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City who professed to be a Christian, but that’s not a Christian act to kill innocent people.
“And I just simply don’t subscribe to the idea that murdering innocent men, women and children – particularly Muslim men, women and children in the Middle East – is an act of somebody who is a religious person.
Reaction from U.S. evangelical leaders was swift and strong.
Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, was quoted in the Baptist Press as saying the president “is simply mistaken.”
According to a Washington Post account, Land said in an interview: “We should always remember that he is commander in chief, not theologian in chief. The Bible is clear on this: The one and true god is Jehovah, and his only begotten son is Jesus Christ.”
In Friday’s interview with Al Arabiya, Bush emphasized his outreach to Muslims.
“We are having an Iftaar dinner tonight – I say, ‘we’ – it’s my wife and I,” Bush told Nakouzi. “This is the seventh one in the seven years I’ve been the president. It gives me a chance to say ‘Ramadan Mubarak.’ The reason I do this is I want people to understand about my country. In other words, I hope this message gets out of America. I want people to understand that one of the great freedoms in America is the right for people to worship any way they see fit. If you’re a Muslim, an agnostic, a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, you’re equally American.
“And the value – the most valuable thing I think about America is that – particularly if you’re a religious person – you can be free to worship, and it’s your choice to make. It’s not the state’s choice, and you shouldn’t be intimidated after you’ve made your choice. And that’s a right that I jealously guard.
“Secondly, I want American citizens to see me hosting an Iftaar dinner.”
“That’s a strong message for the Americans,” said Nakouzi.
Last year, criticism of Bush from Wafa Sultan, a native of Syria, who said the president was empowering terrorist leaders whose ultimate aim is for Islamic law to govern the world by proclaiming Islam a “religion of peace.”
“I believe he undermines our credibility by saying that,” said Sultan. “We came from Islam, and we know what kind of religion Islam is.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
You couldn’t be more wrong Bush. It is not merely a minority of Muslims perpetrating the violence. Islam is built on the precept non Muslims are to be subjugated to Islam, convert to Islam or Destroyed. Allah commands his minions to kill and die, to enslave and plunder, and to wreak vengeance and havoc for him.
Bush is a secular globalist, like his dad. I don’t believe we will ever again see anything but a secular globalist or worse in the White House. We couldn’t get a strong pro-American elected. Reagan was the last. There will be no more.
The Koran demands perpetual war against all who deny Mahomet as the prophet of God – John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams was apparently a man who that understood Islam is the religion of Satan, aka Allah.
It’s too bad that our current crop of political “leaders” don’t have a clue about the monstrous spiritual entity who is worshiped by the deceived Islamics, because the fate of our nation may well depend on their understanding of him and his blasphemous “religion of peace”.
God promised Abraham that he would make his illegitimate son Ishmael into a great tribe, and he did. But he did NOT say that Ishmael or his progeny would worship Jehovah (God) , and they don’t.
‘W’ has lost it patriots. President Reagan started acting this way before we knew the sad news of Alzheimers. ‘W’ also sees a soul in Russkie Prez Vlad KGB Putin too? There is no other GOD but God the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – period. This is very very very scarey bear nation, especially with 76% of Americans claiming to be Christian. Can’t wait to tune into TBN and here what John Hagee and Pat Robertson have to say about this blasphemous bull shiite!
Bush: All religions pray to ‘same God’
Exactly. Islam does not teach peace, except to its followers.
Everything we need to know about Islam we learned on 9-11.
Allah is NOT God–he is Satan and has led these people astray–even the Bible tells us to watch out for “False” prophets.
God does not inflict pain for his own pleasure.
And he does not command we Love one another to get to Heaven, not to kill our enemies to get there.
For a man who claims to read the bible, Pres Bush either doesn’t remember what it says or chooses to believe differently.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Bush is getting scarier all the time now. There is no telling what he may do before he leaves office.
If Bush flattens Iran, I will forgive him for every stupid comment he’s ever made. I promise.
Incredible!!!! Everything is image and posturing, there is no substance.
Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune.
–Nicholas Ling
Bush is no theologian. He’s also no conservative, and he has no party I can find. This is the dead end of “compassionate conservatism”, the name given by Victor Lasky to non-governmental success in solving social problems.
Bush’s compassionate conservatism is not what Lasky had in mind, AT ALL. Bush has a driving need to rummage around in people’s hearts looking for stuff he likes (Harriet Miers), and he has no governing philosophy at all.
Let’s just say it. The man’s an Ef-Up. He didn’t mention the Constitution or his “philosophy” at all in the First Inagural, just something about “courage, character, civility and compassion”.
Now he’s acting as if he understands Islam, when I’m not so sure he understands Christianity….Bush’s religion is, in part, about generosity, but generosity with your OWN possessions, not the country’s. Now he’s extending the official hand of understanding to a religion (Islam), which is beyond his knowledge or comprehension.
2008 can’t come quick enough.
The concept of all religions praying to the same God is absurd. President Bush’s pandering assertion to appease Muslims is viewed by them as weakness by an infidel and infidel religions. The only thing worse is the liberal absorption and Muslim indoctrination of our public schools and society at the expense of our other core religions and values.
There are an estimated 1.2 to 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. If only one tenth of one per cent are radical fundamentalist terrorists that would be 1.2 million Islamofascists out to destroy western civilization and decmocracy as we know it. The silence and almost total lack of criticism by the rest of the Muslims shows that the problem is even worse than most are willing to admit.
President Bush’s pandering and the Democrats surrender to Islam and it’s Caliphate goals does not bode well for the country.
Exodus 20:1-3. And God spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Interesting that the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob mentions other gods. I wonder why Bush thinks they’re all the same.
Les’s point that Bush pandering assertion is viewed as weakness by Muslims is absolutely correct; what’s more, it IS weakness, and it’s Bush’s terminal weakness. He needs to simplify everything; reduce every complicated issue to a few easy-to-handle cliches.
It reinforces his arrogance and relieves him of the responsibility to fight for distinctions, clarifications and complicated principles. Once he’s decided on the current reductio ad absurdum, nothing can dislodge him.
Darth, your right, it is blasphemous to put a fake god, the moon god and say he is the same as the one true God.
Lynn, your right, and there is something sinister in this whole thing. It really made me feel like I was going to get sick when I red this article.
Bob, I think he chooses to believe differently.
Tom, that’s true, he doesn’t have to worry anymore about being someone he is not so he can get elected again. Now he can really be himself which from what I have seen is not pretty as they say.
Billy, hahaha I don’t think Bush is going to do anything about Iran.
Cheney has been wanting him to do something for a long time now and Bush has listened to Cheney.
Jack thanks for the quote. I am so fed up,that’s all I can think of.
Rhod, you are so right. I am completely done with him. He has used up my last nerve and for me there is no going back.
Les, exaclty…….”does not bode well for the country.”……..that’s for sure.
Rhod, see that is the thing. Muslims will use this statement of Bush’s, and not in a good way. Rhod I am so sick of this.
Exodus 20 and the Google of Biblical Scripture is http://www.biblegateway.com ! W has lost his true FAITH and is putting his own words into Biblical Scriptures…. this is a sin and blasphemy!
Alzheimers is on the way…book it with the Good Book! – The Holy Trinity of GOD the Father, Son and Holy Spirit…NOT freaking a l l a h !
There seems to be a lot of debate here in the United States. Many people are trying to suggest that the God Allah of the Muslims is not the same God of the other monotheistic religions. This is a very serious misunderstanding of Islam and I am surprised it is so common in this society. The very essence of the message of Islam is that there is no other God than Allah. The God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad.