Being 400 Pounds May Have Saved Shooting Victim
A 400-lb. man shot several times in the parking lot of Tommy’s Original Hamburger downtown, might have survived his wounds because he is overweight, according to a Los Angeles police sargeant.
The shooting outside Tommy’s Original Hamburger at 2575 W. Beverly Blvd. occurred about 1:10 a.m., said Sgt. Melvin Gamble of the Rampart Station.
The victim, a man whose name was withheld, was struck “several times” in the stomach and once in the leg, Gamble said.
He was taken to a hospital where he was reported to have stable vital signs.
The man got into a dispute with several other men and, during the altercation, one of the men pulled out a pistol and opened fire, Gamble said.
The suspects then fled in a gray 4-door sedan, he said.
The hamburger stand, which opened in 1946 and spawned a chain of restaurants, as well as dozens of imitators, has long been a late-night favorite
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Kevlar Burger’s to be added to the menu maybe?
… you forgot to mention that the EMT’s got herniated disks and hernias out of this deal?
The ambulance blew it’s rear tires out enroute to the ER as well.
I know this is cold but it’s kind of funny the victim was at a hamburger joint.
Darth, yikes. hahaa
Bob it is, I have been to it a few times when I lived in Calif. and there is one that is more famous called ‘Pinks’.