05 Oct

Apache 30mm Gun Takes Out 4 Insurgents

4 Insurgents eliminated and one little dog escapes
And watch how fast the dog in the upper right of the picture moves out of the way.

….Thank you Tom and Bob for sending this to me. This is GREAT. I love how fast the dog moves out of the way too. Thank God the dog is ok and the insurgents aren’t.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

… 72 virgins x 4 islamomaniac terrorists = 288
eternal casbah heaven orgies going on? Apache Up
Up and Bombs Away!

Steve says:

Poor dog … here’s what I said to TomR when I saw it.
Thanks Tom. I love the way they kind of “flip around” and bounce.

TomR says:

Four good mooselimbs. I love happy endings.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, “eternal casbah” gosh I wish I could make a cartoon of that. hahahaha

Wild Thing says:

Steve, good one, LOL they do flip around.
I am so glad the dog is ok and the subhumans are not. heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Tom I am so glad you sent this, thank you again so much.

Jack says:

Outstanding Tom, you’ve made my day. I just loved that second touch to relieve the twich.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

I LOVE Barbara Eden !!! “Yes master” ?