With mixed emotions I announce: John and I will no longer be producing editorial cartoons. John will continue posting his work at his blog, John Cox Art, and he and I will continue working together on various projects, but there will be no more regularly scheduled editorial cartoons. The Web site will remain running indefinitely, as a means to market our books and as an archive of our work.
“….Allen Forkum and I have hung up our spurs over at Cox and Forkum.com. You can read in detail the whys and wherefors of our decision but be assured…..I’m still kickin’. I’ve got lots to do here and you haven’t seen NUTHIN’ yet…..
For all of those who have been aware of our work for the last few years, thank you for the encouragement you’ve so generously given. We’ve enjoyed the ride.”
There is more of the explanation at the Cox and Forkum website.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank you for all the great cartoons, that have lifted our spirits and had us laughing and also your many cartoons that spoke volumes of what was going on in today’s world.
A bad month for we lost Cox & Forkum and Villainous Company (Cass)… Patriots all and
God bless!
Oh, I will miss them! Many thanks every cartoon!!
Sad news, they are the cutting edge both visually and verbally. I sure will miss their caricatures.
Perhaps they won’t be able to stand the inactivity and will make a return, soon. Otherwise I join in the chorus of sadness. They brought smiles to depressive situations.