28 Sep

Great Guns (Jeep Recon)

Laurel & Hardy: Great Guns (Jeep Recon)

…..Thank you Jack, Conservative Insurgent, for this video. LOL

TomR says:

Fun! Love them old jeeps.

Jack says:

Glad you liked it. I just love the sound effects too!!!

BobF says:

For some reason, John Kerry commanding a Swift Boat came to mind.

Wild Thing says:

Tom me too, I love jeeps and especially the Wiley, not sure if I spelled it right. But I learned to drive using a Wiley jeep when I was a kid.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, me too, the whole thing is so good. Thank you.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, LOL good one.

bill says:

Since the navy base in Alameda, california closed down, the town has been invaded with super ultra-lib lefters who are anti-military. The local newspaper has been taken over too and has recently stopped publishing Old Glory on the front page, and has taken to continually beating up the navy over toxic waste left on the old base.