Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va.
Congress debate begins on North America Union
Resolution calls for end of NAFTA superhighway, abandonment of integration with Canada, Mexico
A House resolution urging President Bush “not to go forward with the North American Union or the NAFTA Superhighway system” is – according to its sponsor Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., “also a message to both the executive branch and the legislative branch.”
Jan. 22 Goode introduced H.C.R. 40, titled “Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.”
The bill has been referred to the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
Goode was asked if the president was risking electoral success for the Republican Party in 2008 with his insistence on pushing for North American integration via the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP.
“Yes,” Goode answered. “You won’t hear the leadership in the Republic Party admit it, but there are many in the House and Senate who know that illegal immigration has to be stopped and legal immigration has to be reduced. We are giving away the country so a few very rich people can get richer.”
How did he react when President Bush referred to those who suggest the SPP could turn into the North American Union as “conspiracy theorists”?
“The president is really engaging in a play on words,” Goode responded. “The secretary of transportation came before our subcommittee,” he explained, “and I had the opportunity to ask her some questions about the NAFTA Superhighway.
Of course, she answered, ‘There’s no NAFTA Superhighway.’ But then Mary Peters proceeded to discuss the road system that would come up from Mexico and go through the United States up into Canada.”
“So, I think that saying we’re ‘conspiracy theorists’ or something like that is really just a play on words with the intent to demonize the opposition,” Goode concluded.
Goode stressed that the Bush administration supports both a NAU regional government and a NAFTA Superhighway system:
“The Bush administration as well as Mexico and Canada have persons in the government in all three countries who want to a see a North American Union as well as a highway system that would bring goods into the west coast of Mexico and transport them up through Mexico into the United States and then in onto Canada,” Goode confirmed.
The Virginia congressman said he believes the motivation behind the movement toward North American integration is the anticipated profits the large multinational corporations in each of the three countries expect to make from global trade, especially moving production to China.
Some really large businesses that get a lot from China would like a NAFTA Superhighway system because it would reduce costs for them to transport containers from China and, as a result, increase their margins,” he argued.
“I am vigorously opposed to the Mexican trucks coming into the country,” Goode continued. “The way we have done it and, I think, the way we should do it in the future, is to have the goods come into the United States from Mexico within a 20-mile commercial space and unloaded from Mexican trucks into U.S. trucks. This procedure enhances the safety of the country, the security of the country, and provides much less chance for illegal immigration.”
Why, WND asked, do so many congressmen and senators insist on writing and telling their constituents that they don’t know anything about the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or that SPP working groups are really just to increase our competitiveness?
“In the House, a strong majority voted to provide no money in the transportation funding bill,” Goode responded. “I commend Congressman Duncan Hunter for submitting an amendment to the Department of Transportation funding bill [which] got over 360 votes that said no funds in the transportation appropriation measure, prohibiting Department of Transportation funds from being used to participate on working groups that promote the Security and Prosperity Partnership.”
Hunter’s amendment to the FY 2008 Department of Transportation funding bill prohibiting DOT from using federal funds to participate in SPP working groups creating NAFTA Superhighways passed 362 to 63, with strong bipartisan support. The House approved H.R. 3074 by 268-153, with the Hunter amendment included.
“So, I think a majority the House, if you had an up or down vote on the SPP, would vote down on the SPP,” Goode concluded.
“But some still say, and it’s a play on words, that we don’t have a Security and Prosperity Partnership that will lead to a North American Union. I don’t think they can say anymore that we don’t have a Security and Prosperity Partnership arrangement between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, because that was done in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005, and the recent meeting at Montebello was to talk about it further.”
***** This is a very long article, if you would like to continue reading the article in full just go here:
Wild Thing’s comment……..
If Bush hadn’t been pushing his anti-conservative and Globalist Agenda non-stop since ’04…he would still have been over 50% approval. And he only has himself to blame. If of course he even cared that he has done this.
To anyone that says this is not for real or that it is ok with them. I pray they think harder about this and the effect it will have on our country, our security and American jobs among other things.
“Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.”
–Ronald Reagan
… My Death Star II crew loves the Conservative Party of Canada (all 1,000 of them) but the fact is our Mother Canuckers up north in ice-hockeyville only have 10,000 Canadian military personnel on active duty….yep 10,000 at the most! They now Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty are footing the $$$ for their defense in this hemisphere, so the heck with maple syrup and Molson Golden! “Darth shoots and SCORES!”
OH Canaduh / Casbahda 2007
So those of us who want to maintain America’s sovereignty are “conspiracy theorists”. Like the Minutemen are “vigilantes”.
Thank God for patriotic Representatives like Virgil Goode and Duncan Hunter. They have not been bought and they stand firm. They are also not passive on this issue. They are keeping the Congress aware of the NAU and SPP programs.
The latest I heard on this horrible NAU program is that American and Canadian taxpayers will be tasked with paying Mexico’s share of the start-up costs of these programs. This is because Mexico is an “impoversed country” while at the same time President Bush insists that Mexico is an “equal” to America and Canada.
If we are fortunate, this illegal and amoral attempt will be fought and killed in the House. I believe most of our Senators have been bought so there is little hope there. The Senate has already shown it’s colors by reintroducing several amnesty bills even after the American populace rose up against the previous attempt.
It appears that Fred Thompson will be the only hope that Conservative America will have in the upcoming Presidential election. I still don’t trust him, but will have to ride his pony for a while. If he wins the primary, I hope he picks a true and active Conservative running mate. I do not want another RINO like either of the Bushs.
Bush is hell bent on doing away with the sovereignty of this nation. Is he that much of an elitist that he doesn’t care what the nation or his main supporters want?
Darth, all North America has been living under the umbrella of our protection for decades. The Canadians have been good allies but never had the numbers. The Mexicans? Do the Mexicans even have a military that’s capable of anything but protecting drug smugglers?
Tom, I agree that it looks like Fred Thompson is the only hope for Conservatives. My hope is that if he gets the nomination he’ll go with Hunter for his running mate.
It is a done deal. Clinton, the demos and the republicans pushed NAFTA and GATT through this has been coming for a long time now under the cover of deceit they will shove it through and Bush will sign it.
Then we will have 12 million more on the welfare rolls.
The debate is a sham and a dog and pony show. The people are powerless to do anything about it.
Lord Acton had right when he said, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This what we have now 535 elites telling the rest of us this is what we are going to do.
I lived in Buffalo and know about Canadiens, one thing for sure at least they go home when the day is done. They don’t sneak over the border. Although we have been protecting them for the last 63 years, at least they could have embargoed along with us against Cuba, but our ‘great neighbors’ to the North couldn’t even do that.
To be honest I don’t have faith in any of the candidates. For sure I will not vote for hillary, Obama, OR THAT Nitwit Edwards at any time.
Whoever the republican pick will be a toss up.
What we should do is tell Bush to use both hands he can get more that way.
Darth, love how you put that. Canada would be very different if they had a louder conservative voice, heck so would our country they way it’s been going. yikes.
Tom, I agree, I am so fed up with rino’s and I am totally fed up with the entire Bush family. Every last one of them.
Bob, I don’t think Bush gives a hoot about his conservative base, he no longer needs our vote. He just keeps giving us the middle finger.
Mark, amen.
“What we should do is tell Bush to use both hands he can get more that way.”
Might as well, he is bound and determined to do what he wants. I have really had it.