Detroit Metro Concourse, and the elderly Catholic nun being frisked by a Muslim security agent.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
What the hell are we doing letting Muslims work for TSA in the first place? Isn’t that like putting the fox in charge of security of the henhouse????
… I love the photo of a muslim on her knees paying homage to Christendom! God bless Mother Angelica and EWTN !
What the “F” is the world coming to? That Nun should have “drop-kneed” that MooShiite in the jaw, but GUD. !!! Grrrrr…. They would have had to find another person (?) to frisk me! Arrrgggg!!! Hey, I would not be opposed to NFL Cheerleader TSA agents.
Ever see some of those TSA agents? Most of them look like they’ve spent way too much time in the doughnut shop.
Is it me or are we now allowing the Fox to guard the hen house. I am now totally convinced that the government hasn’t a clue.
I flew twice every week for 19 long years dealing with foreign nationals at the choke point every time, that and the constant hassle by the mental midgets in uniform inside and outside the terminal has left a sour taste in my mouth and a low level of esteem for airport security. This Dearbornistan event only reinforces my bitterness towards them and the felching government officials that allow this atrocity to be perpetrated upon it’s citizens by idiots that are unfit to even flush the toilet. I no longer fly if I can drive, take a bus or hitchhike. This is a glaring example of governmental regulation gone awry at it’s best in the nation’s heaviest government regulated industry. Piss be upon them!!!
Orwell is alive and well at TSA. What if the President and his entourage had to go through moslem TSA agents everytime they boarded Air Force One!!
This is a Planet of the Apes moment if ever there was one.
Darth, a real one of a kind photo. I almost fell off my chair when I saw it.
SSgt Steve, USMC, LOL it shocked me when I saw it.
So I guess when a Muslim checks out another Muslim and they have a mission to perform on the plane this Muslim will let it pass and not stop them. amazing, scary and freaky
Bob, hahaahaha, it has been a few years since I flew. I don’t miss it at all.
Mark, your right, they don’t and I don’t think they care. I have had it thinking they want to secure a situation, this is just more proof. sheesh
Jack I agree, I hate flying anymore. I don’t trust any airline or airport and I would be one of those that would not just sit there and let someone take over a plane.
Tom good point and probably all illegals at that for his Air Force One.
Billy, hahha it sure is. I had not thought of that.
WT, last Oct 7, 2006 you had “Insult the Islamotard’s Day”. Is that on for this year too?
I would refuse to let her search me. I’d probably be tomorrow’s newspaper, but I’d put up such a protest it would be something to see.
By the way Wild Thing, this is off topic but you and your readers may want to check out a series PBS started running last night. It’s called “The War” and documents the events surounding WWII. It’s quite a production and the New York Times HATES it, which is reason enough for me to watch it. Check it out if you have the time.
Steve, yes it is haha If you have anything you want to post just let me know. It can be anything they would not like. heh heh
Gregor, I like that a lot. Me too that is a great idea and the heck if they didn’t like it.
Billy I sure will, I will tape it too. Thanks for letting me know about it.
Wow, you people are terrified of Muslims, you’re fuelled by fear. Try and get your heads round the fact that extremists are few and far between.
Nutters are available in all races and religions. Relax in the certain knowledge that one particularly dangerous extremist born-again christian will soon be retiring to his country club.
Nigel, you poor thing. You really don’t know the first thing about the agenda of the followers of Islam do you. LOL
Well maybe one day you will have your eyes open to their death cult and destruction that have caused and intend to cause upon this earth.