Earth Tone Treasures
Orange tints fade to yellow rust
and cold fall rains pull them down
and the ground carpeted with summer past
its just the same here all over town
summer fled warm times now bust
Crisp crackling leaf piles to jump in,
and wade through in happy moments
in our inner childlike joy long as they last
a vivid gift of the passing season sent
missed until they finally come again
wild thing

Beautiful poem and for some of us, Autumn is one heck of a natural foilage fireworks show! The slight chill in the air, lighting the fireplace,
decorating for Halloween, MLB playoffs and world series games, Christmas wish books in the mail, Homecoming football games, Thanksgiving flight reservations… and NFL football! Proud to be an infidel 2007!!
You must miss it a lot, WT.
It’s also the time to go back to school, and the time of the Praying Mantis. One of the places we lived had a Mantis colony somewhere outside; A couple of them would find their way indoors, maybe on things from the clothesline, and they’d survive until Thanksgiving or longer. Frost would have killed them, so we let them stay. Lefty eco-fanatics would have approved of it.
The wondrous beauty of Mother Nature, all wrapped up in one neat little package.
The summer’s heat is gone and frost will soon blanket the ground, as if it wants to protect the land from more heat.
My children clamoring for the Swiss Colony and LL Bean catalogs to pick something new and exciting for Christmas.
Watching them sledding on the hill behind my house with all the other neighbor kids.
Taking a long drive on a Sunday afternoon to watch Mother Natures art show.
And the delicious smells of autumn–harkening me to bake pies and cookies.
Happy Autumn Solstice.
Looking forward to Samhain (Sow-win)–the Celtic Halloween–Celtic New Year.
Fall in Western NY State is my favorite time of the year. The concord grapes are in season and their aroma fills the air along with the changing leaves.
Well this will be my first Fall in Pennsylvania, we live between two mountains, the Sun goes down quicker than any other part of the country that I have been to and the leaves are starting to change as I speak…er write
Ah now the best part, Fall turkey season, Primitive Deer season, Deer season, Old timer Deer season. Now thats what I am looking forward to the deer run at half speed for us old timers. The Deer, have a special contract with the state.
Autumn here in North Texas is a bit slow but is always a welcome relief from the summer heat. Our rains come back, the State Fair cranks up, football is well underway, the leaves change color and fall, the wild birds pass thru on their way further south and it seems like the smells of cooking increase. Just wonderful.
When I lived in Colorado we had the added bonus of white caps appearing on the mountain tops and the aspens turning their glorious gold.
I could take Autumn year round.
And Praying Mantis and anole lizards are both indignous here Rhod. They seem to pick up speed now just before they disappear for winter.
Absolutely beautiful!!! I do dread the upcoming winter. This being the time of year for nature’s last hurrah, the flies and spiders are out in force. We have a few mantis’s here but they are small and scarce, one of my favorite insects. I have gathered them just for pest control inside, they’re not for the squeamish though, just glad they like to eat bugs and not take a bite out of us. Autumn brings out that primeval force to go hunting, pack away some vittles for the lean times ahead. I’ll probably pack the rifle for show and the camera for go. I was in Anacortes, Wa. yesterday it was a clear day but cool, leaves turning color and deer everywhere on the Island, we got back around midnight without taking any good pictures.
My favorite time of year. Don’t much care for what follows, but I think the beautiful show of Autumn is nature’s way of apologizing in advance for the Winter.
Darth, it is all those things you mentioned. A wonderful time of year.
I am proud to be an infidel too. (big smile)
Rhod, yes I miss it terribly.
Hahaha that is funny about the eco-fanatics. heh heh
Lynn that all sounds wonderful. Also I love Celtic music.
Bob, yummy, I love concord grapes. Your right too they have a smell to them that is different then the other fruit.
Mark, oh wow, that will be wonderful. Especially since it is your first one there in Pennsylvania.
Tom, me too, I adore winter but I think Autumn is my number one favorite. Less harsh then winter but still cool enough to enough it and the beauty is so gorgeous.
Jack that must have been beautiful there. The air smells so clean and fresh.
Gregor, I love how you put that.
PS: The day after trick & treating we parochial school punks used to be off from school – All Saints Day – on Nov. 1st… Bite sized candy bars bite and whatever happened to the BIG candy bars? Elvira ruled the nights ! “OLD DAYS good times I remember…” – Rock group ‘Chicago’ 70’s
Darth, LOL…. Elvira does rule the night. heh heh