18 Sep

Park Police Say Vietnam Memorial Was Vandalized

Oily Substance on Wall Was Vandalism, Not Accident, Police Say
washington post
The unidentified substance that was found splashed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial earlier this month was the result of vandalism, the U.S. Park Police said today.
Sgt. Robert Lachance, a spokesman for the Park Police, said the investigation into the incident is continuing, but the detective on the case had ruled it an act of vandalism. Lachance said he could provide no more details because the probe is still underway.
The oily substance was first reported to police the evening of Sept. 7, National Park Service officials have said. Dark blotches were found along a stone curb at the base of the memorial for most of its length, and at least two of the wall’s panels appeared to have had something splashed on them.
Park Service officials said they did not know what the substance was, and at first said it was unclear if it was the result of vandalism or some kind of accident.
Park Service spokesman Bill Line said today that maintenance and preservation crews were still working to remove the stains and marks, but were proceeding with caution to avoid further damage. He said the crews were trying to avoid pushing any residue into cracks or grout in the stone.

“We’re purposefully going to take our time,” he said.

Line said it could take another week or more to clean, but officials remain confident they can remove all the stains.

“It’s deplorable that someone would vandalize what’s really a national shrine,” said Jan C. Scruggs, founder and president of the Memorial Fund. “It’s an outrage. It’s sad.”

He said the memorial is open 24 hours a day year-round and has been visited by an estimated 80 million people.

“No organized group would ever be a part of anything like this,” he said. “But there are deranged individuals in our society, and I think one has visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Confirming the obvious!
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is continuing to monitor the situation and has offered its help to both NPS and the Park Police. It has contacted the stoneworkers who work on The Wall to get their expert advice.

Lynn says:

Of course it was vandalism.
The “IN” thing is to hate America and all she stands
Someone’s parents are very sad right now.
There are times when I talk to someone or see someone in public that I wonder, “Do mom and dad know you’re that stupid?”
Some even went to college and make more than I do.
Sad, really sad that someone can’t let us enjoy
our heroes.
It takes a very sad person to act out in such a way as this.

TomR says:

I read that the WWII, Korean War and Navy memorials were also damaged or spray painted. It would be nice if the Leftist groups like ANSWER and MoveOn denounced this vandalism and promised to move all demonstrations away from our memorials. But they won’t heartfully denounce these actions. They are collections of real sickos who have no respect for anyone else’s beliefs or values.

Mark says:

This has got to be the 21st century version of the Keystone Cops. First, they didn’t know if it was intentional, second, they are positive it is some deranged nut case. Just some individual anarchist that would do this. Are these guys related to Michael Chertoff.
As Tom said, they should first look at ANSWER AND MOVEON GROUPS, or even consider Code Pinko. Afterall, Cindy Sh*tbag is now being hearlded as a stand-up model for Moslems.
If this is the extent of the investigation and it seems to permeate the whole Federal Law Enforcement on the whole, it is no wonder we can’t secure our own Borders.

Rhod says:

The vandals lack the guts to fight face to face so they attack our symbols. But it’s always been this way. Statuary and public monuments in this country have been relatively safe over the years, but the sixties changed all that. Political discourse has been dragged so low, and the current generation of lefties so depraved that this excites them.

raz0r says:

The left has no shame. Disgracing the memorial that honors people who sacrificed everything in defense of others. Find them, beat them – severely.

sierrahome says:

nasty little people with lives so bad that their goal is to try to make everyone else just as miserable.
…not gonna happen.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, yes people like that are miserable people.

Wild Thing says:

Tom that would be great, I think hell would freeze over first, but I would like what you said to happen very much.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, that is how it feels, Keystone Cops.
I think they knew all along and just didn’t want to say it. seesh

Wild Thing says:

Rhod I agree they are gutless.
“and the current generation of lefties so depraved that this excites them.”
Your so right they are laughing now and have no feeling of being sorry, it is not in them.

Wild Thing says:

razOr I would love for the guilty to be punished like that for doing this.

Wild Thing says:

Sierrahome, they hope it does your right.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Hmmmm? Security to DC Park ‘PO’lice or Mall Security? You decide? – My Bad 2007