16 Sep

60th Anniversary Celebration Of Air Force

Tech. Sgt. Kirby Pyka and Senior Master Sgt. Elma Taylor raise the Air Force flag during a ceremony as part of the service’s 60th Anniversary celebration Sept. 14 at Camp Eggers in Kabul.

CAMP EGGERS, Afghanistan (AFPN) — Coalition servicemembers and Airmen assigned to the Combine Security Transition Command-Afghanistan gathered to pay tribute to six decades of air and space power by celebrating the Air Force’s 60th anniversary Sept. 14 here.
The celebration, titled “Heritage to Horizons: Commemorating 60 years of Global and Space Power,” began with the raising of the Air Force flag. The event included a moment of silence in observance of POW/MIA Day, a cake-cutting ceremony and a video presentation highlighting the service’s history, contributions and sacrifices made by the men and women of the Air Force, past and present.
Army Maj. Gen. Robert W. Cone, CSTC-A commanding general, who served as guest speaker for opening ceremonies of the celebration, said the Air Force’s commitment to core values — integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do — “is inspiring.”

“Together with the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard forces, the United States Air Force is the best in the world,” General Cone said. “Although the Air Force is the youngest of the four services, it’s achieved so much in such a short time due to its ability to travel and cross boundaries at the speed of sound and, in my opinion, was naturally postured to captured the new technologies of the ‘new age’ which increased its lethality, capabilities and relevancy.”

“Thank you for your service to the armed forces of the United States, your service to Operation Enduring Freedom, and your commitment to carry your full share of responsibility for the United States.”

Chuck Norris visits deployed Airmen
Chuck Norris poses with security forces Airmen from the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southwest Asia. The “Walker, Texas Ranger” star, who served as an Air Force security forces Airman before becoming an actor, is visiting deployed servicemembers. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Tia Schroeder)

Wild Thing’s comment……..
God bless our US Air Force and a big thank you to everyone of you for all you do.

Lynn says:

Nothing can stop the US Air Force!
Congrats on 60 years of wonderful service
to this nation–and you don’t look a day older.

SSgt Steve, USMC says:

Happy Birthday to all my “Wingwiper” friends out there. I have many good friends that are prior service Air Force and I value them all.
I’ve met a lot of the “old-timers” through the local POW and Purple Heart Chapters. Those old timers from WWII Bomb Groups…now there’s some real warriors for ya’. Those guys had it rough.
G_d Speed to you all.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

As a proud 21 year USAF DAV… Give me the ole US Army Air Force days, when we USED to BOMB our enemies into submission !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– The Right Stuff was Colonel Chuck Yeager & The Memphis Belle & Dr. Strangelove

BobF says:

Darth, we did bomb them into submission during Desert Storm. So much, that the Iraqis surrendered on just rumors that B-52’s will be targeting their areas. Where we once had hundreds of B-52’s, now we have less than 90…thank you George H. Bush and Bill Clinton.

Jack says:

The greatest thrill known to man isn’t flying–it’s landing. – Author unknown
I never felt that thrill more than the day I landed at McCord AFB in ’69 after being plucked from LBJ’s funny farm by the Air Force, there wasn’t a round eyed pretty amongst them, but each of the C 141’s crew was georgeous in their own way.
Happy Birthday U.S. Air Force

TomR says:

Happy Birthday Zoomies. You are a great bunch.
Yes, I hated seeing our B52s chopped up for political purposes. Of course Putin now admires and respects us for it – NOT!

Wild Thing says:

Great comments all of you thank you.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

You’re right BobF… we flew over the Desert Storm ‘Highway of Death’ after our A-10’s opened up on the Iraqis snagglepussing it back to Baghdad from Kuwait (looting / pillaging items).What a beautiful sight to see the shredded Iraqis – what was left of them. Now we know why they’re fighting us without uniforms and insignias now!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

PS: Lynn – Nobody beats the USA Air Force WW II nose art either!