04 Sep

Modesty Gowns for Female Mulsim Patients

Gown for Female Muslim Patients …………………………………… Hanoi Kerry

Modesty gowns for female patients
BBC news
A gown designed for female Muslim patients who wish to preserve their modesty for religious reasons is being introduced to hospitals in Lancashire.
The £12 outfits – made in Yorkshire – cover the entire head, neck and body, leaving just a slot for the eyes.
The burqua-style gowns come with trousers, two styles of head-dress and elasticated cuffs to prevent women’s arms from being revealed.
Karen Jacob, linen services manager at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, came up with the idea.

She said: “I noticed a gap in the market and thought that it would be great if there was a gown that helped to preserve a patient’s modesty.”

The gowns are believed to be a world first – and TrusTECH, the NHS organisation which manages innovation for the North West NHS – has the patent.
It means the market for the gowns among the globe’s billion-plus Muslims is immense.
Tim Meadows, customer service manager for Interweave, the West Yorkshire-based firm which makes the garments, believes the demand for the gowns could be huge.

“We think there is a large market out there,” he says.

“We hope it will be a success. We have invested a lot of time and money.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL My first thought was that photo of Kerry when I saw this story. hahaha
That thing has to create problems with breathing while the patient sleeps. And speaking of breathing, it seems like a liability because if the patient does stop breathing, when the patient becomes cyanotic you won’t be able to tell. Except for looking at the hands, but if they are under a blanket or something like that….hmmmm It just does not make sense to me. If the patient has IV’s, where are you going to put them and how are you going to moniter the injection site?

Lynn says:

Looks like something someone would wear in the contagious infections ward!
Modesty is one thing–stupidity is another.
And when you’re in the hospital, ALL modesty goes out the window!

SSgt Steve says:

Ohhhhhh…don’t let me start. I can certainly tell you “WHERE TO PUT THEM”.
Call it Dr. PROCTO…….

Who cares if she turns cyanotic or can’t get an IV. Let Allah cure them.

Mark says:

What happens if there is a ‘code’ the staff will have to get at her chest, with all the needles,(Biiiiggg Needles too), then they would have to take off the head gear to ‘bag-em’, paddles and Hands for cardiac massage, Now that would certainly violate their rules so what does a Doctor do, just write the ticket as punched, next stop Allah’s Dumpster
It would be somewhat problematic to give a shot of epinephrine(sp)through one of those costumes especially if they are fully dressed.
But I am told, by a very reliable source, that the doctors and nurses during a code will do anything to save the patient regardless of religion, that includes Jehovah Witnesses or Moslems. Stated one way, What happens in O.R. stays in the O.R.
I am just repeating what my Wife told me she is a Nurse on a Cardiac Floor, so this is new to me. If the Nurse can’t get the IV stick they call the IV team, OUR professionals go the extra mile to save the patient, it is unreal.
If they are cyanotic they put a tube in them. (period).
It is just the way Americans are.

TomR says:

This is why moslems need to stay in the Middle East.

Jack says:

Aaaarghh!!! Let Carlos Hathcock place the shots.

Rhod says:

Tim Meadows is right. His West Yorkshire firm makes the damn things; he thinks they’ll be a “large market out there”. Once the market is big enough, he can begin manufacturing a body bag for the remaining native Englishmen.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, it sure does. I hate hospital gowns but there is no way these things in the photo would even be safe imo anyway. hahaha

Wild Thing says:

SSgt Steve, LMAO

Wild Thing says:

Vermont Woodchuck, hahaaha true.
I wonder when this catering to Muslims on any level will ever stop. It seems to just go on and on. sheesh

Wild Thing says:

Mark, I am sorry but this is so hilarious.
“What happens in O.R. stays in the O.R.”….
Tell your wife thank you.
I agree Mark that is how Americans are.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I wish they would do just that, stay far away in the Middle East.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, heh heh I will second that about Carlos Hathcock.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod I know what you mean, and yes he can, that is just what will be needed in the not to distant future.