Iran’s Guards: We’ll ‘Punch’ US
Tehran ( AP)
Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards said they would not bow to pressure and threatened to “punch” the U.S., in their first response to Washington’s plan to list them as a terrorist organization, newspapers reported Saturday.
Local press in the Iranian capital of Tehran quoted Revolutionary Guards leader Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi saying that he could understand Washington’s ire toward the group because of their “leverage” against the U.S.
“America will receive a heavier punch from the guards in the future,” he was quoted as saying in the conservative daily Kayhan. “We will never remain silent in the face of U.S. pressure and we will use our leverage against them.”
There was no elaboration on what Safavi meant by the punch or the organization’s “leverage.”
Washington has accused the Guards of supporting militias and insurgent groups attacking U.S. forces in Iraq—charges Iran denies.
The fact that the remarks, made on Thursday in the central Iranian city of Isfahan, appeared in local newspapers rather than the official state news outlets suggest the comments are for domestic consumption.
Meanwhile, other Iranian officials continued to speak out against Washington’s move to register the group as a terrorist organization, with a government spokesman calling the claims “baseless,” on the Web site of the state broadcasting company.
“The claims of the U.S. are baseless and have no takers around the world,” he said Saturday, noting that “the U.S. has endangered the world many times under the excuse of fighting against terrorism.”
On Tuesday, Bush administration said the U.S. planned to list the Guards as terrorist group in order to squeeze Iran.
The move was seen as an effort to pressure businesses the corps is thought to control, from construction to oil sectors. It would be the first time the U.S. would put a foreign government’s military agency on the list, which includes the al-Qaida network and the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah.
Iranian armed forces spokesman Gen. Ali Reza Afshar hit out precisely against this attempt to declare a state body terrorist in an editorial Saturday in the country’s largest circulation newspaper, calling it illegal.
“America’s long time hostility against the Guard is clear and understandable, but this move against organization that is part of Iran’s armed forces is illegal,” he wrote in the daily Hamshahri.
The estimated 200,000-strong Revolutionary Guards is an elite force separate from Iran’s regular military and has its own ground, naval and air units.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
My response is this video:
Really? Is this them trying to provoke a war?
What kind of fools do they take us for?
They have one oil refinery–bomb that.
Then bomb those nuclear facilities.
Then embargo.
Iran–done. Peewee Handjob–his own people will
kill him.
We just need to bring Iran to her knees, then we’ll be more ready to discuss terms of their surrender.
… come now. Baghdad Bob is no different than the BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, MSNBC anchors and ANALists, including the feminazis on The View! I think the USA needs a propagandist like Baghdad Bob or James Carville to return fire!
PS: At least Baghdad Bob doesn’t do his thousands of broadcasts from… the Green Zone, eh?
Please look at Baghdad Bob’s face and body posture. Am I wrong or is he not the “wailing woman” you see in news clips of EVERY single bombed out structure that Iraq has? I’m serious. Is Baghdad Bob a drag queen?
“Please look at Baghdad Bob’s face and body posture.”
LOL SSgt Steve!! I do believe you’re right! She sure gets around – heh!
Perfect video response, WT!! Made my day!
Didn’t Saddam also have a bunch of elite “Revolutionary Guards” units that folded in record time under US firepower!
Lynn, amen to that. They sure want to get some kind of warlike reaction out of us, they are begging for it.
Darth your right, ole Baghdad Bob is long gone from anywhere near the Green Zone.
SSgt Steve, U. S. Extremist Corps….first I have to tell you I love this…..”U. S. Extremist Corps.
And oh my gosh you know what I think your right. They look so much alike. LMAO oh wow!
Yankeemom, thank you so much. Good to see you. I hope your move, you moved right, I am getting old and sometimes I get confused? haha
I hope your move went well.
Tom he sure did, I wonder if some of them escaped from Iraq and went to Iran.