Hundreds Pose Nude on Swiss Glacier
BETTMERALP, Switzerland (AP)
Hundreds of naked people formed a “living sculpture” on Switzerland’s Aletsch glacier Saturday, hoping to raise awareness about climate change.
The photo shoot by Spencer Tunick, the New York artist famous for his pictures of nude gatherings in public settings worldwide, was designed to draw attention to the effects of global warming on Switzerland’s shrinking glaciers.
“The melting of the glaciers is an indisputable sign of global climate change,” said the environmental group Greenpeace, which co-organized the event.
It said most Swiss glaciers will disappear by 2080 if global warming continues at its current pace.
The event, which followed Tunick’s previous shoots in London, Mexico City and Amsterdam, was designed to minimize any impact on the environment, Greenpeace said.
Temperatures during the shoot hovered around 50 degrees.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
See we have not seen everything yet! LMAO ok I just thought we all could have nice Sunday mornnig laugh. This is some global warming awareness party. Oh my gosh, the LAST place I would dream of being naked is atop a glacier.
This is not like the oh what do they call it, the Polar Bear Club or something, where people take a dip in freezing cold water during the winter months. Nope this group is about Global Warming. hahahahaha
Just goes to show you how many people have been duped by junk science.
I don’t care if someone wants to show off their nakedness, but this is ridiculous.
I read somewhere (and this makes sense to me) that we are actually just coming out of a mini ice age.
This is what normal is.
Why do you think it was so much colder during the middle ages through the early 20th century?
I’ll bet those nudies had frost bite on a particular area of their bodies, hmmmm?
… at least some of them aren’t ‘frigid’? Why did we have to return from R&R at the Grand Strand to this pathetic socialist blue state!
Missed you guys ‘n gals! – Death Star II
They’re making butt prints on the glacier, or ice angels. Toddlers do this kind of thing to get attention, too. You just put their clothes back on and give them a treat.
It took fifty years for the Swiss to tally up the cash they owe the descendants of Jews murdered by the Nazis, and still no public outcry from the population or naked middle-agers demonstrating at banks about the delay and resistance.
Wherever you find liberals/leftists/laborites/collectivists you find hangnail fanatics who will ignore a cancer and demonstrate for a nail clipper. What a bunch of irrelevant assholes.
Wow, this makes me want to put on my “down skivvies” my wife bought me. Never mind, don’t think about it.
Welcome back Darth, from where ever you were.
Okay, so all those warm nekked bodies wouldn’t be contributing to global warming?? Gee, take a glacier that’s purportedly all ready melting and put thousands of 98.6 degree objects on it! Think of the Polar Bears!! Now they just have to swim home…
Save the Polar Bears!! Wear Clothes!!
Ok, suppose they are right. Its possible. Well just for the sake of argument. These are the people who care and they are showing the world just how (stupid they really are)…er how much they care. If it were true, wouldn’t it be better to suggest some remedy to fix the global warming, or is it already too late ? And if it is already too late wouldn’t it be a better idea to be chopping up that old glacier and selling the ice, rather than making an ass of themselves trying to have a community meltdown. I mean what the hell why not go out in style.
This display of nakedness on top of an already melting glacier does what exactly. Freeze your ass ? Frost bite anyone.
Proof positive these Liberals have way too much time on their hands.
Anyone from a Northern Climate, remembers getting your tongue stuck to a piece of metal on an American Flyer Slay, in the winter time… all these naked bodies, wouldn’t it be a hoot if they all got stuck to that friggin glacier… YEOW
“Hundreds of Global Warming Freaks Pose Nude on Swiss Glacier”
Subtitle: “Polar Bares— White on the Outside, Red on the Inside”.
I don’t know, Mark. There isn’t a Swiss Miss with anything big enough to stick.
Lynn, your right about the ice age and I bet your right also about frost bite if they stayed like that for very long. hahaha
Hi Darth, welcome back from your vacation. Missed you.
Rhod great description!!
SSgt Steve, hahahaa so funny.
Yankeemom. LOL Love it…”Save the Polar Bears!! Wear Clothes!!”…… good one!
Mark, Hahahahahahahahaa
Visions of them trying to get up and being stuck to the ice. Oh yes I remember my cousin getting his tongue stuck on our sleigh.
Melt, Hi hahahaha, the polar bears must have had a good laugh in my imaginatin anyway as they watched these idiots.
Rhod, LOL