Hurricane Closes Big Island Schools, Parks yahoo news
We urge people on the Big Island to heed the warnings, avoid remote or exposed areas, and to take precautions for protection of life and property. We will reopen these areas on the Big Island as soon as the weather improves, and we can assess them for safe conditions,” DLNR interim chairperson Laura H. Thielen said.
DLNR said it also urges boaters on the Big Island to have a plan when around the Big Island. They suggested going into Honokohau, Kawaihae and Wailoa small boat harbors.
Hurricane Flossie dropped to a Category 3 hurricane on Monday. However, forecasters at the National Weather Service said that the storm is still dangerous and could create severe weather conditions on the Big Island as it passes south of the state.
And now I see this has happened as well.
5.4 magnitude earthquake – Island of Hawaii
This is pretty amazing since they have a hurricane headed that way too.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
A few things actually. I have not posted about the miners, I was filled with hope that they would be found eartly and all would be ok. Almost trying to do massive positive thinking and not posting about it instead. But so far they are not freed and the concerns grow deeper each day for them. Please say a prayer for them and for their families and loved ones. Thank you.
Also, Theodore’s World has readers from all over the world, which is wonderful. I hear from places I never heard of as well as places familiar to all of us. We have a lot of readers in Hawaii and there is a Hurrican headed their way.
Here is an email from Melissa, she lives in Hawaii and is one of the regular readers of TW blog. Her husband is serving in Iraq, it is his second tour. Prayers for a good outcome Melissa. Aloha
” In the next few days that were have a hurricane warning here in Hawaii. It is suppose to come real close to the islands on Tuesday. So far it is not going to hit us directly but it still has time to change directions.So I am going to be getting more supplies for our hurricane kit just in case we get hit and the power is off> I have to get some cooking feul, charcoal and bottled water and maybe a few other things to be on the safe side.
There is also a 1000 acre fire burning off to the north west of where I live and so far they havent got it under control.It is starting to go up the mountain range and is on the other side of the road from where we live.
Please tell your commenters I enjoy their comments. I only have a computer at work and am unable to post from my job.
Update: email came in late afternoon on Tuesday
The 5.4 earthquake was on the Big Island and we didn’t feel it here on Oahu. The only ones we’ve felt here was the ones last year that were the big one a 7+ and the smaller 6+ aftershocks. The big Island is getting hit hard tho as Hurricane Flossie is going to hit it’s south shore sometime this afternoon. They are expecting high winds, 10+ inches of rain and 20 foot surf. We are several islands away and will prob get wind, rain and some higher surf but no where near what the big island is expecting.
The windfire is still burning and has crossed one of the roads on the land that I can see from our house but it is still 8-10 miles from us if not more.
Last it heard it had burned over 3500 acres they’ve been fighting it since Sunday afternoon
I hope they get it under control soon if it keeps going east it will eventually get close to Schofield Barricks.
That I know of no one has lost their life just lost land and maybe a few crops like bananas, mangos ect
If you all want to know more you can got our local news channel KHNL News 8 as they update the web site about every hour or so
I can tell we are going to be getting some winds and cool weather cause the air is cool and the tradewinds havent stopped blowing all morning. I will keep you all updated tho as to whats going on here on my little floating lava rock lol
I will be so glad to get back to the mainland lol
Thank you everyone for your prayers.
Hurricane Flossie Headed to the Big Island ~ Prayers for Theodore’s World Readers
Melissa, I felt the need to write you. Your post is somewhat disturbing. Not just for you, but for all the people in your area and situation.
I pray that all will be well with you, especially since your husband is away defending OUR country and way of life. It sounds as if you have prepared well. Take care and please keep all of WT’s fiends up-to-date on your situation. G_d Bless you and take care
We are praying for you Melissa. Hope the worst of the storm misses you. Maybe it will also put out the fire. God Bless your husband.
I’m praying for the miners everyday. Hoping for their rescue. And the folks in Hawaii are in there now as well. First the quake and now a hurricane.
Steve thank you so much, I know she reads this every day, but just in case I sent her the comments from this post.
Thank you Tom she will be getting this message.
razOr, thank you so much.
Hola from Oahu! An update for all of you, the storm is now a Cat2 and will be brushing the southeast corner. The wierd thing is that it has stalled and the state is scared that it may turn.
For Mellisa, if you have kids, remember to pack board games so they will have something to do. Also, Costco has those windup radios and flashlights for like $20.
Also, about the computer situation, let me hit our lovely host with a e-mail later-I may be able to help you out there.
HI navycopjoe, thank you so much for the update and the good advice to pass on too.
It has been downgraded to a Cat1. It appears their main worry now is strong surf. Hopefully you guys will be spared major damage. Now, if the rain will just put out your wildfires you can get back to enjoying paradise.
Meanwhile, we bake here in texas in 104 degree heat. Catch a wave for us Melissa and navycopjoe.
Whew Tom that is hot hot hot. I rememebr summers in Dallas, I was life guarding my first summer there and few people even came to the pool it was so hot.