04 Aug

An Outrage on the House Floor!!!!

An Outrage on the House Floor
An outrage was committed on the House floor tonight. I still can’t quite believe what happened. While voting on a motion to recommit for the agricultural appropriations legislation, the presiding chair (who is a Democrat member) gaveled the vote closed. The tally was clear and the vote was over. The Republicans had won. Then, realizing what had happened – the Dems allowed just their people to keep voting to change the result. Let’s be clear, this wasn’t holding the vote open – they changed the results of a vote that was legally declared over.
Rep. Eric Cantor wrote a (his blog post) describing what happened.

“High drama on the house floor tonight. Dems brought an Agriculture appropriations bill to the floor greatly expanding government programs, yet again. Republicans moved to recommit the bill to committee, in order to add language prohibiting any taxpayer funds under the agriculture programs from going to illegal immigrants.
The Democrat chair closed the roll call when Republicans had won – as the electronic voting tally indicated enough votes to return the bill to committee. Shouting erupted on the floor, as the Democrats attempted to change the outcome of the vote after the gavel had come down – the vote was closed.
Republicans attempted to adjourn, but we were ruled out of order. Confusion set in as members waited at least five minutes for the chair’s decision.
Republicans members then began to leave the floor in protest, after Democrats proved they would go to whatever lengths necessary to further their agenda. A bad call by the chair, the vote was closed. Then the Democrats allowed their members to continue voting to change the outcome. An outrage. Is this a democracy or a dictatorship?
All but a few Republicans refused to vote on final passage since it became obvious that a fair vote would not happen.
UPDATE:Republicans are conferencing this morning after the travesty that occurred last night on the floor of the house. The overwhelming sense of the members is, we have to stand up and reject the democrats manipulation of the rules of the house to further their attempts to thwart Republican efforts to stop government benefits from flowing to illegal immigrants. Republican house members are demanding that democrats right their wrongs.”


House Democrats apologized today for wrestling what appeared to be a winning vote tally away from Republicans last night.
Republicans continued to steam, however, over the episode, in which they appeared to be the winners by a 215-213 tally on a procedural motion designed to make sure illegal aliens would not get certain benefits from an agriculture spending bill.
Instead, with several lawmakers milling in the well of the House registering votes, Rep. Michael R. McNulty, New York Democrat, quickly gaveled the vote to a close, saying the Republican measure had failed on a 214-214 tie vote.

This is an insult to our democracy, something that Stalin would recognize. It is an unprecedented violation of our democracy that can not be allowed to stand. Do we live in a democracy or a dictatorship?
And, what was so important that the Dems went to all this trouble — it was a vote to ensure that illegal immigrants couldn’t get taxpayer funding in the agriculture bill. The Dems are so opposed to this, that they would violate our democracy.
We need to spread the word. The American People need to know what is happening in their government.

And here is another Response about what happened, Republican Whip Blunt Addresses the House Floor


Wild Thing’s comment……..

I happened to be flipping the channels and landed on C-SPAN and caught it live. WOW! I was amazed at the lying RATS! The administration & Democrats, & RINO’s won’t quit until they have PUSHED through their comprehensive illegal immigration….AMNESTY!
The Democrats have become dangerous and they made it abundantly clear they care much more about keeping their power than about ensuring the laws of our great country are adhered to. Then the Democrats wonder why people question their patriotism!
Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) eventually offered a motion to reconsider, according to floor staff on either side, ostensibly giving members a chance to recast their votes. But the maneuver sparked a chorus of angry protests from the Republicans, yelling “shame” on Democrats, while they returned fire with angry volleys of their own.
When Democrats finally moved to consider the spending bill as the last vote of the night, furious Republicans left the chamber en masse to protest the maneuver. The House eventually recessed at 11:18 p.m. But Republicans quickly discovered that there was no longer any record of the controversial vote and immediately charged Democrats with erasing the bad result.
“Obviously, the Democrats don’t want to stand up against illegal immigration — so much so that they’re willing to cheat in order to win a vote,” Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) said in an e-mail. “They’re desperate — and it shows.”
These people are Socialists first and American’s second.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

… the same Dumbocrats that demanded a 2000 Florida recount in Bush v. Gore? Like Blue-Collar TV comedian Ron White say’s, “Ya can’t teach ‘stupid’!”… 1 + 1 + 1 = 4?

Lynn says:

The Dummycraps acted like spoiled children.
Anything to win.
How many of them sat alone at the lunch table in school because of their malicious attitudes?
They have made a mockery of our political history and I don’t know why anyone would even think to vote for them again.
They are BRATS!

BobF says:

Most ethical Congress ever?

Mark says:

This is from the party that wants to lead the country ? Ha.
They have no leaders, merely Pandering moronic cliche givers.

Jack says:

What’s this BS about a faulty electroninc voting errors and the need to go back to paper ballots? More smoke and mirrors from the libtards that steal the votes then blame the Republicans for what they’ve done. It’s time to toss them all out physically. They have become like the French of 1789–1799, maybe a few heads need to roll in the street to grab their attention. They are elected to serve the people not their own special interests, the Communist bastards.

GUYK says:

“These people are Socialists first and American’s second.”
yes and we need to let the public know it..or the prverbial stuff is gonna hit the fan..

TomR says:

Let’s hope that the fencr sitters, angry conservatives and Reagan Democrats come back to the voting booth in ’08 and vote a Republican(ugh I hate saying Republican when I wish to say Conservative) majority. If the deomocraps win a Congress and the White House in ’08 I believe we will see the total demise of America as we want her and knew her. We will become a third world style socialist nation and anarchy will be the theme of the day.

Democrats Manipulate Democracy and Censor Free Speech

The democrats have been on a role the last few days. They apparently have decided to do whatever is necessary to get their approval ratings out of the basement, even if it means taking on tactics that would do Stalin proud.
In this video o…

Jayhawk says:

If this kind of thing had happened 75 years ago these people wouldn’t be able to safely walk the streets. The American people would have been after them with weapons for trying to rig a vote of the House. The audacity of these people knows no bounds when they are trying to pander to enemies of this country.

Trish says:

Cripes, they’re not even HIDING it any more.

BobF says:

What gets me is when the Republicans controlled Congress, they tried to play nice. The Democrats are now showing them what they get for playing nice. We need some Conservative Republican “pit bulls” in congress. I’m fed up with this Compassionate Conservative crap. I want leaders who will kick some butt!

Wild Thing says:

Darth, your right, I was thinking about how they did that, days on end counting those stupid chads. augh.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, just thinking of this……”How many of them sat alone at the lunch table in school because of their malicious attitudes”…..has me laughing. What a site and I sure can imagine the dems having that happen to them as kids.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, haha they only know to use the word ethical against us and I don’t think they live it at all.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, LOL but but they insist they know best for all us little people. hahahaaha

Wild Thing says:

Jack I wish we could literally fire 99% of our elected people. Get rid of the rino’s too. And only keep the very small handful of true conservatives and start over.

Wild Thing says:

GUYK thanks, I sure wish more people would wise up. sheesh

Wild Thing says:

Tom your so right and I really concerned, heck I am plain old worried.

Wild Thing says:

Jayhawk, gosh that is so true. How times have changed and not for the better. The enemy within has been working overtime too.

Wild Thing says:

Trish isn’t that something…I was shocked when I saw it, I never saw anything like that before on C-Span. They are just totally blatant about it now.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, AMEN and AMEN! Please oh please I want that sooooooo badly!!!!!