03 Aug

In Country Taking Out Insurgents

Insurgent Headquarters Discovered then Destroyed

TomR says:

Another job well done by our troops. It is amazing what lengths they go to in order to prevent civilian casualties. The terrorists want to maximize casualties.

Jack says:

Most excellent, our finest doing their best even with their hands tied by the Rules of Engagement.

Mark says:

I still think a flame-thrower would do the job nicely. Then they can meet the 72 whatever’s with a nice tan, or maybe that charred look.

raz0r says:

Good job. Hope they find the owners and do the same.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Mark… how about a Zippo tank strike as well? Or a low level naplam F-4 drop? – I Dream of Jihad & Barbara Eden I love you still 2007!!!

Wild Thing says:

Tom, that ticks me off so much, how our troops have to be soooo careful and sometimes even get permission to fight back. grrrrrr

Wild Thing says:

Jack they sure are and like you said…inspite of ROE in many cases working against them.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, Yippee yessss I like that idea.

Wild Thing says:

razOr, I hope so too.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, heh heh like that too.