House rejects permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq
The House approved legislation Wednesday preventing the Pentagon from establishing any permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq.
The legislation would bar the federal government from controlling any of that country’s oil resources.
Democratic leaders scheduled a vote on the measure, which was introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) , as part of a concession to some of their liberal members who have been clamoring to de-fund the war.
“It makes a clear statement of policy that the U.S. does not intend to maintain an open ended military presence in Iraq and that we won’t exercise control over Iraqi oil,” Lee said in a statement afterward. “The perception that the United States plans to maintain a permanent military presence in Iraq strengthens the insurgency, and it fuels the violence against our troops.”
House members passed the measure, 399-24.
Roll Call Vote HERE
They don’t want us to keep an eye on the gulf?
Why not?
Handjob is a disgusting, vile mistake of human genetics.
We need to keep an eye on him.
… can’t imagine why? Even a fifth grader can look at a world map and see that Iraq is surrounded by islamomaniacs from Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia! “General George Armstrong Custer… there’s only a FEW Sioux savages out there. Wanna wear your Arrow shirt now?” I’ll be praying for my old C-5 Galaxy crew dogs that spiral into and out of Babylon, and after four years, the Baghdad GREEN ZONE is still being shelled? The Waffen SS or Patton would have ‘secured’ Baghdad by now, eh? Call an F’N spade a spade and one thing is for sure, like in our Snagglepus evacuation in Mogadishu Somalia, I’d hate to be the last troop or airman on the ground in Iraq when the Iraqis supposedly take over… but which ones? – What Superpower 2007?
A little off subject but his is good. General Patton (George C. Scott) speaking out on todays conflict in the Middle East.
Making concessions to Barbara Lee is like making concessions to osama bin laden. Barbara Lee is a communist that even Putin would not want. She is a radcal, Black racist, socialist, screeching fool that well represents her dysfunctional ghetto criminal district.
It all comes back to the ROE’s. Barbara Lee, is at the top of her personal dung heap and represents nothing but Communism and those unwilling to think for themselves, this could apply to 100% of the current Congress. After 62 years the same organization whose pandering towards despots got the United States into this battle is the favored organization that these idiots want to protect them from Islamist aggression. That very world body that gave us Palestine, Vietnam, North and South Korea, East & West Germany, Mogadishu and the Balkans. Broken resolutions and partitions from the UN and the blood of Americans spilled to enforce those broken resolutions all the while being undermined by the Communists from within. Wait until this bitch is pilloried by the islamists that will take over her hood. Yes. making concessions to Barbara Lee is like making concessions to Osama but the whole howling mass of moonbats are too ignorant to see it.
Lynn I agree, I bet it changes when the time comes, I sure hope so.
Darth, good one thanks.
Bob thank you so much. Linda also posted it at her blog. I will posted it for tomorrow. Thank you again so much this is excellent.
Tom, Amen!! She is all of that.
She makes my skin crawl.
Jack……”making concessions to Barbara Lee is like making concessions to Osama”….exactly.