25 Jul

A Soldiers Life

The Reasons They’re All Fighting For
Our liberties and freedoms are a rich, daily blessing
And our hearts should be thankful to stay,
For this country we live in and those who serve us
In the military day-after-day.
Where would we be… not even free
If soldiers didn’t serve in their youth.
Because their willingness to defend us, possibly to death
Is for a nation which is founded on Truth.
So here lies a thank you which pales in comparison
To the gift that they give to us all.
Thank you, oh thank you, to those dressed in uniform
Who fight for the sake of the call.
Thank you is not enough to the families left behind
Who carry on without their loved ones there.
May God bless you richly with courage and grace
For those moments when life isn’t fair.
Thank you to the veterans, weathered and worn
Who served in wars we didn’t see.
Thank you for your service & all you endured
To prove that freedom isn’t free.
Thank you to the soldiers who serve us right now
…pressing on through fatigue and through fear.
We pray for the presence of Christ to hover closely
And that you feel Him incredibly near.
May the gratitude we feel fuel your heart today
Whether peace time or a country at war.
God bless our military…may we pray in remembrance
Of the reasons they’re all fighting for.
© Sheila Gosney

TomR says:

Nice poem. Says it all, says it well.

Jack says:

Very nice I agree with Tom. It says it all.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

John 15:13 is what our nation’s glorious 231- year’s of liberty and freedom is all about:
“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Today, islamofascism is more dangerous to Americans than Naziism was in the 30’s and 40’s! But only a few of US get it…

Wild Thing says:

Thank you all for commenting about it. I know poems aren’t a favorite for guys most of the time, but once and awhile there will be one that really is worth sharing.