In response to the case of the “Flying Imams,” a movement began to develop known as the John Doe movement. Because radical Islamofascists and groups that protect them are willing to target people who report suspicious activity when muslims are involved, a movement began to protect those that report that activity.
Democrats have killed an amendment designed to protect these citizen heroes. The John Doe amendment was defeated because of Democrats in both the House and the Senate. The vote was 57-39 in favor of the John Doe amendment in the Senate, and the party which screamed about “majority vote for majority rule” during the all-nighter has now used the 60 vote super-majority to kill the John Doe amendment.
“This is a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists,” said Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.
You can go here to see the names Grouped By Vote Position
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I am John Doe, all of us that love America are John Doe!
This Amendement would protect American citizens who see something suspicious and report it to authorities (ie., the incident at the airport in Minneapolis where several Muslims were acting suspicously) from being sued. The Dems want anyone who sees anything suspicious to “just shut up and not report it” and feels that Muslims should be able to stifle people from reporting incidents by intimidating them with lawsuits.
They have voted to put at risk every citizen who would perform the civic duty of reporting a crime, or a suspected crime. They have sent a message to CAIR and those who engage in litigious intimidation that citizens can expect no consideration from their government when doing their duty as citizens.
Maybe the amendment will be reborn in the joint House/Senate conference.
I like Rep King calling radical organizations by their names.
Too many of these Liberal senators are lawyers and when will a shyster lawyer ever vote to deny litigation!
Leftist/Liberal/Communist bastards. I hate them. They have no desire to adhere to the wishes of John Doe. Instead these dems serve their own greed and that of special interests, including radical dangerous anti-American groups.
It’s so sad we’ve come to a point in history when we can’t protect our own homes and families and turn something illegal or what we believe to be a danger to our communities in without giving up our privacy.
Some states even have laws against Good Samaritans!
Why would we want to let these terrorists sue us in court for everything we have because we turned them in? I don’t want my kids getting hurt because someone didn’t take a stand.
But us private citizens have lost all our rights as people because the lefty liberal weenie heads/socialist/communist/marxists we elected have just taken them all away.
Every single Nay vote was a Democrat. Except for Hawaii, senility (Byrd and Lautenberg) and a couple backwoods nobodies, it was an east and west coast and rustbelt collection of losers.
Kerry was stuck in his crowbar-resistant union with Kennedy, but the rest of them are trying to get attention by standing still and posing in the liberal wax museum.
‘If you see something, say something’ is no longer going to be the norm. We are to be the sheep led up the ramp to the slaughter house and these dems will be herding us in. …Afterall, they know best what’s good for us.
The Airline industry is going to suffer, people are just not going to fly. There are no safeguards for the public if this goes through.
I heard the other day the dems want to tax Pensions.
Nothing surprises me any more.
At least we won’t have to waste the country’s time and money with another 9/11-like commision to find out what went wrong when we get hit on American soil again and again by the Islamofascist terrorists. We will all know the contributions and assistance of the terrorist supporting Democrats to these events.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a President Hillary Clinton inviting her peace partner friends, Osama bin Laden and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to the White House over twenty times as President Bill Clinton did with Yasser Arafat. What a country!
Tom that’s it, that don’t want to let the people speak. They get voted into power then we are nothing to them. For most politicians anyway.
Lynn, yes, maybe I am wrong but I don’t remember a time in history where law abiding citizens, that cared to speak out and point out bad guys were told not to say anything.
Rhod, that is a good way to put it…..”posing in the liberal wax museum”.
Mark , your so right, I bet it has a huge effect on the airlines, then hotels too and all kinds of tour things involved will suffer to some extent.
Les I agree she would do that for sure. They (the Clinton’s)kept Netanyahu away and invited Arafat. I will never ever forget that nor will I forgive them either.
I wished these senaturds and retreatist represenatives were passengers on AA #11, UF #175, (WTC #1 and #2) AA #77 (Pentagon) and UF #93 (Shanksville PA)! Now you realize why these Defeatocraps are at 14% in poll approval