Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., right, speaks to members of the group Vets for Freedom prior to the start of a news conference supporting the war in Iraq, Tuesday, July 17, 2007, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Democratic Leaders Refuse to Meet With Veterans Group
Vets for Freedom.org
Vets for Freedom expresses disappointment that veterans were not able to meet with Congressional leadership from both sides of the aisle in Congress today. While many Republican Senators, including leadership, made themselves available for questions and input, interaction from Democratic leadership was noticeably absent. In spite of that, Vets for Freedom members remain committed to speaking with elected leaders on both sides of the aisle.
Republican leadership (and some Democrats, although not leadership) made room in their busy schedules—on very short notice—to speak with veterans. These veterans flew in on their own dime to ask Congress to give General David Petraeus the time he needs to fully implement the surge of American forces in Iraq. Veterans are very grateful and thankful for the time that these Senators took to spend with them.
Five days in advance of today’s events, Vets for Freedom meeting requests—for 5 minutes—were submitted to the Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House. Repeated attempts were made to contact and meet with the Democratic leadership.
“In the end, they made a disappointing decision to decline meeting with veterans who have first-hand knowledge of the situation on the ground” said Pete Hegseth, an Iraq War veteran and executive director of Vets for Freedom. “It is especially disappointing because Democratic leadership’s misguided policy—a declaration of defeat—will lead to a national security disaster for the United States.”
Vets for Freedom is a nonpartisan organization established by combat veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Its mission is to educate the American public about the importance of achieving success in these conflicts by applying our first-hand knowledge to issues of American strategy and tactics—namely “the surge” in Iraq. Vets for Freedom is the leading voice representing troops and veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. For more information, please visit www.vetsforfreedom.org.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
How does someone snub our military and our Veterans? How does a person sleep knowing they had a chance to say thank you, or talk to our Veterans or our troops and say no or ignore their request of an invitation????
It is just not a part of me to understand this, not even a little.
How do these congressional leaders snub our Veterans? When you no longer believe you’re a servant of the people, that’s how. When you’ve become lord over your subjects, that’s when you snub them.
No surprise here. These are the same congressmen and Senators that say they support the troops. What exactly are the conditions that the dems support the troops ?
I believe they, the democrats, are going to shoot themselves in the foot, again. I hope this and all of their anti-American antics come back to haount them come election time.
When you are a god in your own mind you snub a group of non partisan combat vets. When you have just put on a childish tantrum(the Senate all nighter)you snub the vets. When you are no longer working for the people of the United States you snub the vets. When you are too selfish because they cannot promise to deliver a block of votes or a wad of cash you snub the vets.
When you are too stupid to realize the non-partisan photo op value of a 5 minute meeting with a group of combat vets, you are probably a democrap who will snub the vets.
They represent themselves once they’ve been sworn in, beyond the pale of moral conscience or honor, they say they support the troops yet they are the very ones who put the troops in harms way then withhold direct support for them while lavishing full support on the engaged enemy. They have never more clearly shown their hand than with this action.
“How does a person sleep knowing they had a chance to say thank you, or talk to our Veterans or our troops and say no or ignore their request of an invitation???? It is just not a part of me to understand this, not even a little.” – Wild Thing
WT, a person who does these kind of things just lacks class. My Father, often talks about how children are raised in the family. These people have not been brought up properly; he calls it a “lack of proper breeding”. They have no respect for others, they are basically rude and impolite, they are self-centered “ME” people.
My Father would say: “There is no room for God in him who is full of himself.” – Martin Buber (Vienne, 1878 — Jérusalem, 1965), famous Midrash scholar, Judaism, Hassidism
I just did join the http://www.vetsforfreedom.org
Take care and G_d Bless you.
Wild Thing, You asked, How does someone snub our military and our Veterans?
That my friend is an excellent question.
I can only ask in return, How can anyone spit on vets returning from Vietnam?
How can a First lady not allow serviceman in uniform to serve in the White House?
How come I’m living in a state of mind characterized by unrealistic expectations?
Nice–but more we can just vote off the island next time around.
It’s very sad.
Yes, this is a free country, but it’s also a land of sacrifice. Sometimes you have to do something you don’t like or don’t want to do.
These men and women served us so proudly without thinking of the cost and these dumkopfs won’t even meet with them.
Shame on them. Shame!
A mature person would meet with the troops, smile and act interested, even if they weren’t.
Doesn’t the President have to do the same oath as those military boys and girls anyway?
To defend this country, both foreign and domestic? Isn’t that part of it? And even if you didn’t enlist, you are still considered the militia by the Right to bear arms.
So suck it up and meet with them and show them some respect, you big babies!
Bob your right, that sure is how they behave.
Mark I hope it does too. I hope what they have said and done haunt them into eternity.
Tom, thanks, yes they are all of that.
Jack that is true…..”They represent themselves once they’ve been sworn in”….they say for the people or the people want this and that but they know that is a full out lie, it is what the politican wants.
SSgt Steve, wow what a great quote that is, thank you so much. You had a wonderful Father like I did. G-d bless you SSgt Steve and your family.
I am glad you joined vets for freedom, I read through it and it seems really good.
DD2, I agree with what you said. I will never ever forget how our Vietnam Vets were treated, never ever.
Lynn, I love your comment, thank you.