U.S. throws birthday
party, over 300 million
people invited

Guests of Honor:
All Veterans and our Troops today


An Iraqi girl blows bubbles while U.S. Army soldiers keep an eye on the street outside of her house during a cordon and search in the Rashid district of Baghdad, Iraq, on June 20, 2007. The soldiers are with the 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division. DoD photo by Sgt. Tierney Nowland, U.S. Army.

~~ Music
for this special day!

~Aaron Tippen~ The Stars and Stripes and The Eagle Flies
Ron & Kay Rivoli – Press One For English

U.S. Birthday 231 Years Old and 300 Million Invited
Happy Fourth of July
The blog princess is on the road, but here are some Fourth of July posts from ladies who are more squared away than she is: Beth at Blue Star Chronicles Chrissie at PC Free Zone And now the princess needs…
Happy Fourth of July
The blog princess is on the road, but here are some Fourth of July posts from ladies who are more squared away than she is: Beth at Blue Star Chronicles Chrissie at PC Free Zone Happy 4th of July! And…
Outstanding tribute WT, thanks. Happy 4th of July.
Posted by Wild Thing July 4 at 2:55 am “DAMN GIRL
WHEN DO YOU SLEEP”!!!!!I bring this over from
Badgers Forward Via Grims Hall and Blackfive
Maybe you remember my post here about 6th Marines.
Grim at Blackfive started the effort to get the Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen of USMC Regimental Combat Team 6 know that you love them.
Grim is still pushing them here. And they have passed the 6000 and 10,000 email mark, well on their way to 20,000.
Some of you mentioned my buddy, CPT Lane, and I appreciate that.
But what you get here at Badgers Forward, is something other websites can’t possibly give you. And that is the front line story.
I made the trek to Falluja and met with the RCT-6 PAO, SGT Deboard, and took this photo of him with your emails.
Actually they had to stop printing them pending an emergency resupply of paper.
So keep your emails up. Maybe you will be lucky 20,000 and receive a flag from the RCT Commander. Remember though to say “Hi” to CPT Lane and SGT DeBoard and tell them Badger 6 at Badgers Forward sent you.
Wild Thing,
What a beautiful post!
Thank God for our military. We should offer up even more prayers for them today–on our nation’s birthday.
Happy Independence Day, WT!!
Bless you and all you do for this this country and our troops!
Happy 4th of July, Everybody !
Happy Birthday America!!
The greatest birthdays – 4th of July and 25 December. The hope for the World.
God Bless our Troops!
Beautiful, Chrissie!
I love our Nation’s Birthday, it’s my favorite celebration. Well, along with Thanksgiving! Our property backs up against the state park known as Monmouth Battfield State Park in New Jersey. It’s where the Battle of Monmouth was fought in June, 1779. Every July 4th, I take a walk out back into the woods and think about the brave souls who made such a great sacrifice and started the ball rolling on the creation of our great Nation. I hope their souls know that I’m there and how much I appreciate what they did.
God Bless you and keep you in his heart for all you do to support our wonderful country.
Tincan Sailor, thanks for the information. That is a wonderful response they are getting I am so glad.
Gregor, I have always had a feeling about that. I believe in my heart that they do know. Thank you for sharing about that.
Thank you everyone…….
(((((((( hug)))))))))))
Like the former Lynrd Skynrd lead singer sang tonight at Nashville’s GAC concert, “…My hair’s turning white, my neck’s always been red, and my collar’s still blue. We’re trying to sing the truth – the red, white and blue!” – Freedom isn’t free and is a blessing from God the Father, His Son & the Holy Spirit… and the Spirit of 231 years of liberty! Amen!! JOHN 15:13 !!!